Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The Bird

I was in a car along with several other people. We stopped along the road and the driver rolled the window down to speak with a couple of people there. They had something in their hands which I wanted. It was a large sized bird with the wings off. I said to the driver, “Get that I would like it.” I was asked why and I said that I wanted to make a sandwich. The driver asked for the body and wings and it was handed into the car.

When the bird got into the car the body was moving and the others were squeamish and expressed that they just could not take having the bird in the car. I agreed with them and said as much to the others. I then took the body and threw it into a nearby canal of water which was where it had come from. I threw it in and I could see a small human head, small body and no arms diving gracefully into the water.

Later at a hotel I was handed the bird wings. I told others that they needed to go back into the water because they helped the body of the bird. They acted separately to the body of the bird and helped it. They acted like chopsticks and would pick up things and hand them to the body when they were n

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