Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Obnoxiousness and Breakfast

I was sleeping in a car dealer early in the morning. It was a huge deal with a very large show room and very large halls and rooms off to each side. I was sleeping toward the back. One of the sons of the owner I knew and he had come over to me and talking to me. I had heard earlier that they did not want me there but I knew that on both ends of the dealer there were large rooms where many, many kids hung out and that I was only one of the many I was just in a different area. I asked them why they were singling me out. I decided to be obnoxious and was going to do it anyway and I told the owner's son that I knew that it must be aggravating and that I apologized to them but that I was going to do it anyway. They had brought me some granola like cereal that I put in my bowl and then put a bit of milk and then about 3/4 of a glass of orange juice. Another man there looked over at me and I could tell he was put off at the thought of what I had put together.

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