Monday, January 3, 2011

The Party

I was invited to a party. It was going to be a party of many things including sex. The party was at a neighbor’s house and when I went inside and saw the many rooms and many people I considered the fact that I had no idea that the house was this big. Inside of the house I walked through a reception type room with several rooms off of it and into a larger room to the rear of the house. This is where the party was taking place.

I took my place at a long table that had quite a few people at it. The table had refreshments and was a long banquet table. I started looking around at the environment. This was a place of revelry. It was a happy place and it was free flowing. I had been led to believe that there was a great deal of sex that happened at the party but I saw none. I saw a group of people enjoying themselves in a writhing circle. There was an outer circle of folks holding hands inside of that many people filling the inside. As the circle of people twirled around the center folks were making their way from one side to the other within the circle. It was a happy, writhing cooperative circle of people. As I watched the circle from behind me I was offered a wafer that was of the texture of food but it was obvious that it was a narcotic. I declined thinking about how long it had been since I had truly done drugs.

There were others about the floor of what I could see now was a ballroom sized floor. I could see that groups of people were enjoying themselves throughout

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