Friday, January 21, 2011

Morning and the Boss

It was a normal weekday morning. My wife was getting ready for work and I was getting ready to run an errand. As I readied myself and made my travels around the house I could see my wife’s boss Terry had made himself at home and had set up the stereo to play music and he found a radio station that he liked and as I went by he made mention what the station was. Later I went to a small back area in the house and there again was Terry this time standing up and near him was my wife. She pointed out to me that Terry had hooked up a small printer and she told me that it was a Lexmark color printer for the same money, the same money as what I was not certain. Again later I found that Terry was moving around some bookcases and other furniture in one of our rooms. This was a large room that was connected to a long hallway with rooms coming off of both sides. All the flooring was hardwood floors. The next thing I see is that Terry took a bookcase and flung it with some authority across the floor and towards the door. It traveled is if on rollers and took off down the hall and into another room at the end of the long hallway and there we heard a crash and pieces of wood and glass fly out of the room and onto the hallway floor. We started to walk to the room and Terry felt that there was a better way to go. I followed him outside the house where he got into a boat to make his way to the other side of the house. It was a sporty boat so Terry had fun with it on his way through the water. I was riding on the back of an Orca whale and patting it nicely about the head. As I did so the whale made some eye and mouth movements and I was never sure whether it meant harm to me or companionship. Terry had to speed up as another lady wanted to rush past us in her boat. When we got to the other side of the house we could see that the bookcase had broken out a window from the room there. I could see that the wood was rare and I said to him, “Good luck matching that.”

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