Sunday, October 10, 2010

A boy's Fort - A waking Delusion

I have always appreciated a memory that had the very nice comfort that a young boy’s fort gives him but I had it later in life when I worked blue collar work.  I had a job where I stood up and did my work and occasionally throughout the day equipment would fail or it was break time and I had this great little cubby-hole that I could go into.  It was above me.  To get inside I held on to the railings to each side of me and swung my legs up into a hole between two boards and used the leverage there to pull myself fully inside.   It was often cold at my work and this cozy hole was warm.  I had a comfortable spot that I could wait out any break in comfort and I need not go anywhere but down a few feet when it was time to get back to my work station.  I had the memory of this place and often when going to sleep.  It was pleasant to think of a comforting little place that I could hang out, much as I felt about my bed.  The oddest part of this whole reality is that at some point I had either dreamed it or consciously made it up and then carried it with me as reality for years.  It finally became apparent that I had never had such a little cozy place when one day I started thinking back to remember which position I had held that I had this nice little place.  To my surprise it was none.  Absolutely no place I have ever worked did I pull myself up into that cozy little bite of comfort.

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