Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Cleaning up life - Not as it seems

I was on a cleanup detail with my two partners and we had sent in to clean out all the growing exotic bio humanoids that were in a particular area.  All three of us carried a powerful scatter gun and one trigger pull put out endless big time ammo.  I was left to guard the road and their backs as they made it through the growing field.  They stood some ten feet apart and watched that their shots were in front and not to the side where it could endanger their partner.  They used a wide scatter pattern and swept the ground at back and forth.  Between the two of them fully covering a good 30 feet wide path and in the middle overlapping so as not to miss a section.  They looked practiced and this was not something that was difficult for them.  As I watched and they cleared the land I could see the bullets popping up the brush and the small, dark and alien looking bodies of the growing brood. I wasn't pleased with what we were doing at all!

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