Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Perry Mason, Folding fluorescent tubes and hurting my kitty

I was lying on the couch and was half asleep and my brother was in a soft chair to my right
a ways.  He was watching TV which was at an angle to me more than him but I could see it fine.  I was wakening a bit toward the end of the show and I realized that Raymond Burr was in court asking questions to the man on the hot seat; and that is always what it was when Raymond Burr as Perry Mason was digging for information from a witness.  I recognized that I had seen this movie before and I spoke up that Burr was perfectly cast as Perry.  I then spoke up that I had seen the movie before and my attention was better now as I did want to see the end of this movie because I remember having loved it. It ended far too fast and really I missed most of the good part but I said that I remember it had to do with 2 men out on a hike and that one was missing and had something to do with unaccounted for time.  My brother spoke up and said yes 26 minutes of missing time.  I then had a picture in my mind of what had occurred and that in this movie the man with the unaccounted time had gone into some sort of time warp. Anyway I had missed it this time fond memories or not. 

I then grabbed two fluorescent lighting tubes and started to play.  I took one of them and hit the other toward the end of the tube and it folded into the longer section.  I did that again but further up the tube and again it folded into the tube.  I finally hit it a third time and glass shattered all over the carpeted living room although it did fold as I had wanted it to. 
I told my brother that I had screwed up and went out onto the porch to drag in the heavy pull along vacuum cleaner.  I started cleaning the glass and saw that some of it had gone under another chair in the room so I started reaching under it to make sure I got all the glass because I did not want any left for a kitty to get hurt on. At that time I could see there were two small rubber balls under the chair and before I could move the vacuum and
grab them out.  I was careless and the vacuum head turned up momentarily while I was reaching for the balls.  One of them landed on the turning brushes of the upturned vacuum head and it spit it out with some force and hit my kitty which was maybe 4 feet away watching curiously what I was doing.  It hurt the kitty and it seemed maybe it was a bad injury.  I was freaking out.  I reached toward the kitty to see what I could do and it moved some distance away and I again moved there and was trying softly to move my hand that direction while I was trying to soothe the poor thing. 
** At this point in the dream I woke moaning and crying and I continued to cry when I was
awake until I could put aside the horrible ending to this one **

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