Thursday, October 28, 2010

Space Music

There were about a dozen of us that were residents of a space ship.  On this day our only means of listening to music was not working.  I was told about the situation and I was taking on the project of fixing the problem. A lot of the problem was PC based.  We had a PC built into a console at the front of the craft and I was troubleshooting it.  I did a bit of re-configuration and rebooted the computer a couple of times and it appeared that it was still broken and could not download the catalog of CD or Mp-3 files for us to play. I was a bit on edge as was the others.  Our music meant a great
deal to us. 

We had another piece of equipment, which was the main interface from which we chose our music and I started in on it next.  For those of you old enough to remember the diners that had the jukebox selections available
in a convenient table-top, bubble-glass miniature of the larger machine that is what I was working with.  For those of you that do not recall these machines I will attempt to draw a word picture for you.  Most of you must have seen a jukebox in your life time, you know the large bubble-glass and chrome machines where we punch a combination of numbers such as B-3 into and choose our music.  The difference here is that the one I was about to work on was a 12 inch miniature mounted on the wall. 

I rebooted this little machine as well. It generated an error which flashed by very quickly.  I did, however, get a printout of the error generated.  It was an exception 03 and further details were generated on a half of a sheet of printer paper.  I was looking over the details when I noticed a nozzle within the machine spraying a WD-40 type fluid on a silver-dollar sized area.  When this was done the machine was fixed and I was very relieved. The thought of living without music was not a nice thought.

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