Friday, October 29, 2010

The Job to Build a Better Technology

Well I must have been getting desperate for a job or Barb must be getting even more desperate. Barb and I were petitioning to become Jewish citizens so that I could go to work building a technology plan for a new land. Barb had evidently set up for me to fill out an extensive application that was also testing. I was taking a nap and over-slept the appointment by a half an hour.  When I got to the table and started on the application they told Barbara they would have been upset if they had waited for too long and I had not gotten up and out there.  I filled out the papers while around me were many Jewish people that were doing various things that seemed to be of an important nature. 

It was a very long extensive set of documents.  As I worked on the paperwork a lady came up to me and made it known that she was the writer of the test and that it was important because indeed I would be writing a technology plan and that was far more important.  At that time I had already filled out page after page of information and testing.  I got to a page that had a long list of money figures listed in a column and I was supposed to do the math down the list in my head.  I looked around for scratch paper and none was offered.   The list looked something like this. 
   -    3,365.08
      +     24.00

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