Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Skate Away

Two other men and I were roller-skating down a long cement walkway that cut down the center of what appeared to be a college campus.  There was a large lawn area that the path split in half.  We were approaching the end of the path where it joined a small set of stairs leading up and onto a paved area.  There were some apartments or condominiums there and one of the female occupants was walking out and onto the lawn to enjoy a break in the sun.  The three of us carefully walked up the stairs with our skates on.

At this point I was issued alone to a large mall that seemed to be a collection of schoolrooms.  I slowly skated around the inside of the building investigating what was there.   I made my way down long hallways and past the many rooms opening off of them.  I eventually found my way up to another level one story above where I had entered.  I went down each hallway checking out each nook and cranny of the structure. 

I went down one short hall at the end of a long hall with classrooms and the hall narrowed, and then narrowed even more to a path only five feet wide.  Then it turned into stairs that were worn and old and rusted.  It was like I had entered an abandoned industrial plant left for many years to the elements.  I made my way up the stairs and eventually the stairs narrowed even further and turned into a ladder that continued zigging and zagging its way upward.  I cautiously made my way up this ladder as well. 

At the top of the ladder was a pitted and worn piece of metal laying flat on metal posts jutting up to the underside.  This made a suspect but welcome place to rest.  The metal around me was as rusted and old and worn as the metal which I was rested on.  From my vantage point on high I could see below me where three men had just entered and lit cigarettes.

At this time I left my precarious perch at the top of the ladder and started making my way back down.  As I made it further down I felt a distinct threat from the men that were at the next level down.  I could feel that they meant me harm.  As I neared the bottom I made my way onto a chain that was hanging down from above and as I climbed it down I readied myself for a fight.  When I had climbed low enough that I could reach the men, I starting kicking out at them with my skates.  I knew that the metal of the skates with the power of a nicely aimed kick would do the harm I intended.  

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