Sunday, October 24, 2010

Elevators, Building Tops and a bit of death

I was at a University and running around from floor to floor and building to building.  Floor to floor was done in a series of Elevators.  Some going half the full distance a switchover then goes the rest of the distance. This sort of system done to speed up the overall time for all passengers.  I was after the gold.  There was a game interface on the inside of the elevator cabin and on the outside on the wall near the elevator.  For those of us that knew what to do we could tap the proper sequence on the interface and collect the gold that was there for the taking.  Of course I had to ride the elevators because as greedy as I am I wanted all the gold in every building in every way!

After some travel around the system of elevators and buildings I found myself in the position of trying to keep myself away from anyone that might know me.  I felt that I was not to be seen.  Much of the feeling to stay hidden came when I saw a fellow die right in front of my eyes.  His arm up to his shoulder was in the Elevator door but as most elevators do it did not open for him instead it continued on its multi-floor travel ripping his arm and shoulder off to plop at my feet.  Later I saw it had done more damage than I had first imagined and he was laying dead on the floor with blood gushing from a large gaping wound.  For some ridiculous reason his tie stood out in my mind and I could see what used to be a very classy and colorful tie now a blood smeared mess.

Instead of sticking to the elevator as meant to use I was now moving around the system but on top of the elevator through the hatch at the top of the elevator cabin.  I could then also see some of the havoc going on from floor to floor when the elevator would stop and I could see through a sliver of eye space. After some time I found myself on top of one of the buildings and I was about to die.

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