Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The Long Hallway

I was working at being recruited into the inner circle of a group that lived a lifestyle that I can only guess was Wicca or similar. At no time was there a mention of Satanism, torture or other dreadful actions.

I recall that it was after a public gathering that I left a public parking lot and was following a car over to a private home.  I knew that it was a man with some prestige and pull. When I got there the entire action took place in a long hallway, maybe 500 feet long.  It was also relatively wide, maybe 60 feet.  The feeling was of roominess.  There were a lot of alcoves and goings on at each side of the hall.  This was a place for many people to hang out it seemed, however on my walking the hallway it was apparent it was not overcrowded on this day.  I made my way down the hall in the company of the man that I had come to see.

In one room opening off of the hallway was a gentleman standing up behind a couple of lounge chairs, looking over the top of them at a couple of television sets that were mounted on the wall just below the ceiling.  The man had his arms raised to point at one of the television sets and both hands had extended fingers.  It felt powerful and mystical.   When I looked at the TV to see for myself what was being shown there I could see a women figure skating. It appeared that the skater was alternately on her knees and then upright as she went down the ice. Time after time, knee and then up, knee and then up. Not at all the graceful skating that one would expect was being seen.  We continued walking down the hall, I and the man that I waited to talk with.   

As we walked, I noticed something else on the opposite side of the hall from the TV man and slightly further along. It was a group of folks playing several arcade games.  They were the standard black boxes of arcade style and on the left machine was two or three people standing around the front.  On the one on the right was a single man drawing attention to his game pointing out what was going on.  Either the machine or the man was announcing the same thing as was being shown in flashing lights on the top of the machine.  First it read "five minutes to death" and then it read "five minutes to singing."  I thought it remarkably odd but did not feel threatened. 

There was a slight dividing of the hallway with an arch at ceiling level and jutting into the width of the hallway by a couple of feet on each side.  Just beyond the divider was sitting several black gentlemen in an open area on the left of us.  We continued farther and we came to a room that was on the right hand side of the hall that had a door where the upper and lower portions could open separately or, when locked, together.  Rather than use this door the man I was with entered the room through another door that was on the right hand side of the room.  I on the other hand went to the door that had the lower portion locked into position and the upper part was swung open. In the back portion of the room were a couple of women cutting out patterns for a dress on a table.  I knew it was a dress because I had heard them talking about it when coming up to the door.  I leaned on the upper part of the door and began to talk to the man, who was now inside the room. 

I was talking to the man about wanting to get in on the inner-circle of happenings.  I told him that I had already been a friend with many of the individuals and that everything was cool, meaning that I was trustworthy and would make a good fit.  As well I assured the man that I read a paper that was I knew somehow connected to whatever I was getting into.  I told him that the paper was great and had interesting information but that I knew that the real getting together times and places were not listed there.  I tried to get across that I was OK all the while trying not to let other people that walked by and stuck their head into the doorway hear what it was I was speaking about.  When I told the man that I thought the paper and everything was great and I said, "But I knew that I was not in on the inner circle" the man said it with me as if knowing what I was going to say.  I believe that it was a way of saying that maybe it was time. 

The man handed me a book and at the same time said that he would be telling me everything soon.  The book was black with blue pictures and lettering and though I can remember no title it seemed to be about the occult.  We then walked down the hall a ways farther.  He did not come out of the room we were just flashed to walking down the hall.  I knew in my heart that the man had some authority and that I was talking to the right person.   

My mind went to a flashback of seeing the man on a stage with a sort of game show going on and an unseen crowd watching.  There were three, young women sitting on bar stools on the stage.  The man walked by a particular young woman making some sort of suggestive comment and the crowd laughed. Just as quickly I flashed back to reality of the hallway.  We were waling again.  We walked to a place where there were several comfortable chairs and took a seat that was at a raised bar and sat kitty corner to each other.  I remember smoking bud with the man and at one point I fumble-fingered and the joint fell apart and I had a big hand full of marijuana in my hand.  

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