Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Human Lockdown

I was one of the many thousands of humans that were living a life of lockdown.  It probably didn't appear that way most of the time as it was an entire town and working complex that could appear normal except that the others had it restricted so that no one could leave and you were granted only the access needed to do your job. The work complex was huge
and many of the jobs were what the worker would be good at or desire to work
anyway but detainment under any name was imprisonment.

I worked in an office where many of us held our feelings secret but harbored great ill will
toward the others.  One day a few of us and me for sure decided that the cogs of this machine were going to meet some resistance.  We put ourselves on the line
and this particular day began what we hoped would be resistance enough to give
thousands of the humans fortitude to do the same and that the others would not
have a grand day.

I know that  we were all trying our best to run amuck and this is my story.  I tail gated another employee to another floor with restricted access. I stayed as his shadow passing all badge requirements.  I also drew no sideways looks from any of the security guards.  I
then made my way to the offices where equipment was kept and I began to work on
ways I could cause them to fail.  I started running into peeping eyes and soon was in need of violence to help my cause.  I knew that many of the people seeing me were the others but I also knew that some could be human but our cause was an important one so I began to disable anyone seeing me.  I was not trying to kill anyone of the humans or really any of the others but I began running into more resistance and now was actually having to run for my life among the large complex.  I picked up weapons for my hands, something heavy to strike with and I began to smash it into anyone in my way.  After some time I could hear the intercoms and security radios talking about my actions and was meeting with more and more
peering eyes as I tried stealthily to make it through an area.  I supposed that many of the humans were pretending to not see me.

I was now having to fight hard and flee in every way possible to stay keep from being
captured.  I know that human or other I must have killed someone.  It is not something I liked but it was something I had justified as being worth my cause.  I had grabbed a device that looked like a door knob attached to a flexible band about a foot long and 2 inches wide and it made a great weapon.  I hit one smaller fellow trying his best to capture me by hand several times flat on his head and I was amazed that he was not knocked unconscious and stayed just as eager to wrap me up.  I hit him one final time and finally he fell at my feet. 

I came to a floor where my wife worked.  She was in an open desk cubicle talking to someone across from her that was behind a foot high divider between them.  She was
smiling and was very good natured and I thought to myself that I adored that in her.  She saw me out of her peripheral vision but did not acknowledge that she had seen me except if one were to notice here body language the way I did at that time.  I got away down a hall to the back of that office and down into a room that was off the main usage pattern.  One thing for sure I did not want to drag my wife into this.  I also needed to get out of sight as I had been in the open office. 
I kept fighting, dodging, hiding and maneuvering. I finally saw a larger black lady that appeared to be motioning me that she was sympathetic to my cause and although it was stupid to do so I let her get close and to speak with me.  She seemed to be legitimate so I trusted what she was saying to me which was that I should take an elevator at the back of this area. When I got there she opened it for me and I got in.  I didn't know if this would lead to my demise or to something that would help me.  I hit the button inside to make my way down.    

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