Wednesday, October 27, 2010

A new way to shop but you better be good at hiding it!

I went around department stores from merchandise to merchandise, Jeans, glassware, knick-knacks and accessories.  I was not there to pick my size or particularly to pick my style I was there to add the hidden goodies that a person can obtain if you could go to the properties of the merchandise much as we would go to properties in a program or object on our computers. Choose the right option and you now have some goodies. Nice stuff!  Of course you must do this on the sly it is not going to be something that the stores or others would particularly like. The tough part is afterward however when I have to hide the article somewhere it isn't likely to be seen for a time while I cashed in on my haul.  If I did catch me they would know what I had done and look for other articles molested by me and I would have to turn everything I had worked for.  This was not something I wanted to do.

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