Saturday, October 16, 2010

An Investigation

I had been asked to go to a town, a town that needed the help of an investigator.  I went to the town high-school gymnasium.  I was walking with officials of the town.  We walked in the door on the side of the building and walked across the room.  Placed on the floor there were nearly a dozen metal chairs.  They were sitting haphazardly within a ten-foot radius. I and the officials that walked into the building could look over the tops of the chairs to see bleachers filled with people.  When we got near the chairs I used my one free arm (I do not know what was in the other) and started grabbing a few of the chairs and straightening them into position.  All of the chairs I was rustling around had their backs to the bleachers and the participants sitting there.

The next I recall I was sitting down and this time the chairs were facing the correct direction and several students joined the other officials and I in sitting in the ring of chairs on the floor.  A couple of participants started to talk at the same time and I stopped them.  I took control of the situation.  I was meant to control it.  I told everyone, my voice reaching to the farthest corner of the building that we needed to know what happened.  I stressed that I did not want five versions of what transpired but that I wanted one person, that could be considered to know the circumstances, and that they would be the one to tell us all.  There was much rustling around and bits of discussion.  A consensus was drawn that no one knew for sure what had happened and, of course, we did not get the one individual to speak.  We did take a bit of time to let several individuals give us their opinions and knowledge.  The final impression was that some male, a teenager I presume, killed another individual and possibly two other persons.  There was also talk that the killer was going to harm himself.

The next day I was walking on a road next to a body of water.  It was a small, single-lane road that gradually rose up and over a stretch of salt water.  I was walking on the side of this road and reached down to put my hand in the water.  At the same time there were people riding ski-jet watercraft and small boats making their way to the shore where I walked.  I asked a couple of teenagers that arrived on the first of the craft if they knew what had happened.  It may have been here that I found out that the person was thinking about killing himself.

The next I know I am waking up in the seat of my car, which I found out soon enough, was a pickup.  I drowsily straightened up and opened my eyes.  The pickup was off the ground on top of some sort of metal structure.  I looked ahead of me and there was a building of sorts with a bunch of separations that seemed to be rooms that resided inside an even larger room.  In trying to explain the building I will say that it was like an open area inside a manufacturing plant.  There were still many pipes and railings but most of the area could be seen as being one large open area.

I ended up going for a walk in the building.  I heard someone making noise and felt threatened.  I found within my grasp a tire iron and I threw it at the person that was still a fair distance away.  The iron hit the person in the forehead.  His reply was, "oh that hurt."  It was said in a sarcastic way that was best read as, "Now I am really going to get your ass."  He headed towards me and I jumped in the pickup.

I needed to back the pickup out of the area where I was parked.  I was at the end of a tightly cramped channel that I had followed up the metal structure. The floor beneath the wheels was a metal grating.  I can only describe the area as being like a roller coaster type structure off of the ground and I had driven up a cramped access channel that led up the left side. I was having great difficulty backing out.  Not only was it a tightly cramped little path but it had zigs and zags that were hard to negotiate.  Because they were very close together the wheels of the pickup just could not turn that fast unless you took care and I was not. I felt extremely fearful that the man would reach me before I got away so was not extremely careful in my driving.  I banged and bumped my way back to a juncture where I felt that I better try to turn the pickup around and head down faced the proper direction if I were to make any speed whatsoever.

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