Sunday, March 27, 2011

Sawmill machinery being run by Tori

I was at a sawmill. I was walking from place to place inside the mill where machinery was run.  I wanted to get down to the next machine in line and the easiest way to get there was to log surf.  There was a ramp angling down about 15 degrees and the metal deck had logs packed side by side over the entire ramp.  I started at the top and set my feet and posture correctly and let my body fall.  I easily slid log to log until I reached the bottom.  It was obviously something that I had practiced many a time.  

The machine I had worked my way to was enclosed on all three sides with glass with a solid back and a door to the left handed side.  The worker had both feet in constant contact with two working pedals and stood but slightly forward tilted so they could see straight down into an auger in front and to the bottom. 
The machine was being worked by Tori Spelling.  A short bit after I had landed at her machine she stepped out of the enclosure and used her feet to stomp down a branch that had hung up. 

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The following eye

I saw something in the mirror of our home bathroom that frightened me.  It was distinctly an eye, nothing more but a very detailed eye looking back at me. I was quite shaken.  I was living at home with my parents. There was a family of four staying with us that were family friends.  It was time to go to the bed for the night.  We had been hanging out in one end of the house.  I started walking toward the other end to go to bed.  I noticed that the lady of the family was hanging out and it just didn't feel right.  I started walking away and the lady caught me and handed me a photo and told me to look at it.  As I walked away I looked and there was the eye that I had seen so clearly in the mirror.  Now I was really shaken.
Later I had stopped my car on the side of the road to speak with my oldest brother who had stopped in his car.  He told me that he had seen the eye. 

Speaking to my dead Uncle

I was living with my parents.  My father and I were in the back yard. My uncle who had passed wanted to tell me something.  He was not far away and told me what he wanted me to remember.  I told my father hold on a moment.  I took out a pad of paper and a pen and started writing down what my uncle had said.  I repeated part of it back to make sure I had it right.  When I turned around my father looked at me like I was mental.

As I turned I fell into a flower bed we had back first.  It didn't hurt but my back picked up debris from the bed.  I got up and went back in the house.  When I came in with a filthy back my brother picked off a small sponge-like object and asked me what it was.  I told him it was like the sea cucumbers in the water but it was on land.  He squeezed it a bit and what looked like water came squirting out.

My father, mother, and brother were at the dinner table and I joined after brushing off a bit. I started speaking and said, "I speak with uncle Martin sometimes and that is that."  They looked at me odd and I followed that up with, "Who thinks I am crazy."  Unfortunately the answer was unanimous that my entire family thought I was not fully with it.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Dodging Dead Folks

I and anyone left alive were being chased by people killing, people eating, walking dead.  Those of us that were alive were up against a huge population of the dead.  We were also up against a food and supply shortage.  I was with another man and was trying our best to gain supplies while staying alive.  We had gotten into a warehouse and started making our way through the merchandise when we started seeing many dead folks coming our way.  We found ourselves throwing anything we could in the back of a pickup we were driving while dodging, jumping and beating our way through the dead.  I was almost frozen with fear and found myself hiding on behind a tall stack of pallets.  Eventually my partner found me and there was a pale skinned young girl there that was in need of eating us but was so tired she could not do it as well as it seemed some morale hesitation.  We left that location and eventually I was yelling for my partner to get the hell in the pickup and get out of there as there was a huge hoard of dead heading our way down the aisles of pallets. We headed out of the building and were into a set of rock cliffs and valleys that we were making

Sunday, March 20, 2011

It's really all about Smiley

My wife and I were in a large banquet room in a hotel.  All around us were people trying to make us believe that they had found some spiritual insight.  They kept talking to us about the reasons we should believe.  At first we were both blowing them off.  We made our way around the crowd and we spoke to many people espousing their beliefs.  At one point my wife told me that she wanted to speak with someone.  She made her way to a small group and started talking.  I waited a bit and made my way over by the group.  I heard my wife telling them what she believed and then I heard them say, “Smiley, yes.  We see.”  I was very upset with all of this and I wandered away and started throwing whatever I could see laying around on the tables or chairs and tossing them at various groups of people.  I could see that mostly I was ignored and I went further and further.  I picked up a small light stand and swung it and knocked a man’s head so hard it dangled lifelessly.  I tossed cans and plates and anything I could see.  I finally started tossing anything I could into the group of people that my wife was speaking with. 

Saturday, March 19, 2011


I walked into a banquet room that roomed off of my sleeping quarters in a hotel complex.  The room was quite full. I found a chair and introduced myself to the gentlemen at the table.  I could see a name tag on a jacket on a gentleman near me. When he introduced himself to me I called him sir and I preferred to keep that name for him.  I was being scrutinized by the room and was not altogether sure why but took the scrutiny in stride.  I was asked what the ID was I had around my neck and it appeared to be a rhetorical question.

I of course had a lawman’s badge around my neck on a long placard.  One of the men at a nearby table read to those at the nearby tables from a news clipping speaking about a doctor who was attempting to fluoridate the water in the country.  There were snickers from around the tables as the man said to whom this note had been addressed as they were all in on the irony.

On the screen on the wall was a very large screen television playing and I had glanced up at it to see that the leaders of the United States Congress and Senate were hung up completely in a serious deadlock.  I had started to hear patches of conversation around the tables and I realized that what the crowd in this room was attempting to do was to overthrow the congress of America and that I had stumbled in upon their efforts.  I was asked with a knowledgeable suspicious look by Sir what it was that I did and asked what I could do for them.  I said I will speak with you sir if you will be kind enough to speak to me first and explain to me what it is you do, what it is you believe, what it is you will do and what it is that you expect to have done.

Church Offering Help

I was a younger person and we went to church.  I was at the time a bit rebellious as I was when I was younger and I had been given the opportunity to take some counseling or something similar from the church. I was being asked if I would accept it in front of the whole congregation. They asked me what I thought about the church doing this and I spoke up and said, “I am not sure any other congregation would consider interfering in the life of someone unless asked.”  This is the essence of what was said and of course you might notice it was a bit snarky and rebelliously said. I looked on the stage at someone I loved dearly when I said this and they were on the pulpit platform.  I got a grimace of disappointment and I immediately followed up my last statement saying that although it is not common that I could understand that I could probably use some help.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The film Inception

The movie Inception dove-tailed very closely with two of my life's concerns.  Firstly I have a very large psychology background and secondly I have kept a dream journal for many years which you are reading on this blog.  I intend on taking these thoughts deeper in another blog entry down the road but I need time to put it together so I will introduce the topics with this entry.  In the later post I will also go into some various thoughts about Inception in many categories.  I will do this in outline form so as to hopefully cause thought without going in depth in a long dissertation.  If I was writing this the week of Inception's release I might have taken it further.

Psychology of Inception. 

A.  Relationship with the father as a basic relationship is spoken to by Freud in the
 Oedipus complex although a bit differently but the concept is very much a stalwart  of Psychology

B. Dreams are often filled with daily concerns.  This is completely true and loves in one's life is paramount to emotion so therefore paramount to dreaming such as Mal was in Cobb's dreams.

C: Dreams can be elusive upon awakening but the emotion from them can linger for
 quite some time. In the film I believe it was said something like this; remembering a dream when you wake up takes years of practice.  As a friend of mind pointed out this  is not completely true as anyone can remember a dream now and then it takes practice to remember dreams much more often. 

2. Psychological Manipulation: That is to say the causing of someone else to do something that you want them to for gain.

A: This can be done in the very way they were suggesting in the film put something in
 another mind.  More exactly the first level they wanted to plant the idea that Fisher would not follow his father's footsteps.  Then in the next dream level to plant the idea that I will create something for myself.  Finally in the third dream in a dream the hammer of this process My father does not want me to be him. 

B: This same process of first step, second step and third step can be the process of
behavior change that is the root of helping others in therapy.  In therapy we uncover the emotions, deal with the emotion that creates the poor behavior and then change the behavior by changing the feelings.  This is yet another close reference to psychological teachings. 

C: Hearkening back to the basic relationships in one's life is the statement in the film, "The more powerful the issues the more powerful the catharsis"  What to relationships are the most formidable in one's life? I submit father and mother.  Again this is going back to the basis of the film and the relationship to one's father.

Dreaming and Inception

A: Lucid Dreaming

A simple search on Google will come back with a staggering amount of hits.  This concept is generally accepted as being aware as you are
in a dream that you are dreaming and therefore doing what you want to do in it.  I
believe I have done this occasionally but I cannot peg the time.  I believe many of us have done similar when we wake ourselves as there is something too frightening to
confront in the dream. Many who practice out of body traveling in metaphysics can
take this much further and explain it much further. 

B: Parallel Universes  Some hypothesis are that dreams are alternate universes. 

C: Dreams are open to any thought you have.  This means emotion, idea, change in
 physics or any other thought. 

D: Dreams can be motivators. This is very, very real.  I have heard people
stating that they got the idea first in a dream.

E: Totems.  Dream totems have been real to Native Americans and many other
indigenous people's throughout earth. 

F: You would not suspect manipulation in your dreams.  This is a main concept in the
film and I think it may be sound.

G: Your mind locks you from actually moving in your dream so danger to self is
limited.  This means that your brain paralysis your body from moving do to your
dream so therefore you are free to dream in action.  However this can break down as
in sleep walkers and those with Restless Leg Syndrome which I do have.

H: Dream emotion can be very strong when you waken.  Something not touched in the
film too much but the emotion from a dream can be very strong.  I have felt sad, happy or want to be in another time for full days from this.

I: Dreams are not bound by physics as stated efficiently in the film. 

Miscellaneous thoughts about Inception

A: Many writers have written stories bordering the movie. Stephen King - The Cell and
many, many others many going back to the 1950s by Philip K. Dick

B: LOST! went into shared reality before Inception.

C:  You must have known someone, maybe yourself, that has said oh I first got the idea in a dream.  It is a real concept and it happens with some regularity.

Bear - Board Game and Red Bugs


I was in a large area where many, many people lived but I was being held captive.  The problem was that much of it was a psychological holding over me.  I remember there came a time where I took a pill and I saw a man walk over to a small bed he was folding back and I was watching him.  I said hello Bear because he had the face of a bear.  He said to me, “Finally you can see me.”  Later I recall fighting with a piece of metal in my hand and fighting off one after the other of people as I went about the complex. 

Board Game and Red Bugs

I was standing over a board game.  On the board was a mixture of white rectangular board pieces and there were small quarter inch –bright red little bugs that were slowly moving in on the white pieces and appeared to be attacking them.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Saw Mill and Explosive movement of stacks

I went back to work at a saw mill after it had been down for quite a while. Finally they had brought up back. I first started doing a job that I had done previously and I was struggling to get it done correctly. I was moved to a less important job but that was ultimately easier. I helped band up stacks of wood so that they would not fall apart along with other chores. I walked through the area where the main saw was and I bumped the base of the carriage that held the log and it moved. It actually moved all the way to one end very fast and I thought it might go off the track. I noticed that it had now been built with a hard plastic.

I worked outside the rest of the day. I saw a couple of people walking by several of us waving green slips of paper saying that they wanted to work. I asked one of the people what the deal was and they explained to me that I could go home if I wanted that they would work and the green slip was evidentially my pass to go home for the day. It seemed we had too many people back at work and eventually they would have to make some adjustments. I told one black fellow that was waving a green slip that he should wait over to the side and that I would think about going home. A couple of minutes later I told him I usually go whenever I have a chance so I am pretty sure I will go. At one point we had a stack of wood towering above us. It must have been 60 feet in the air. Some smaller boards had come out of the stack on the bottom and several of us that worked outside that day rushed over and plucked them away from where they were dangling.

I looked up and that was when I had noticed the great height of the stack. I had told the person next to me that I wondered if it was safe for us to stand where we were. The stack was wobbling as we looked up. About this time the stack grew even higher and became a metal tower. We continued to add stages to the tower. Each was built with an explosive gas that pushed the next section out. It was frightening to hear the exhaust of the gas as the section exploded up to its next height. When done this was a metal tower a hundred or more feet tall with a large rectangular dome on the top.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Acquaintance, Burley Men and the Snake

I was home and had taken a shower and was upstairs in the bedroom working on my computer.  I had the TV on but not watching it.  I then lied down on the bed when my wife came home and said "Hello." It wasn’t but a matter of minutes later that a fellow came into my room.  He was a new acquaintance that I had made at work at a Toyota factory where I was working for the moment while looking for other work.

I said, "Hey how you doing?" He was stirring around and headed downstairs so I followed him.  We went out the door of the house and on to the gravel driveway. I saw he had a small bike he had ridden over on. We talked a bit and we went back upstairs.  I was telling him that I had just seen a moment of a TV movie that Dana a lady that I had met on the job had made.  Since he and I worked together he also knew her.  The movie was about a woman that had met a grandfather that then was being corrupted. I told him that I was a bit worried about her and that I would ask again when I went to work.

About that time there was another bunch of fellows that came into the room.  At the same time my new acquaintance turned up the stereo and it got pretty darn rowdy quick The upstairs was large enough to accommodate the party.  After a bit of time I slid over to my friend and told him that they were going to have to leave at least his friends did as it was just to rowdy and that it would upset my household.  He sat on the bed and looked peeved when he pulled out some money and laid some down.  I said, hey you don’t have to do that but he continued.  I also said I was sorry and he stood on the bed, grabbed a stack of items on top of a fridge that included a TV and shook them until they almost dropped.

About that time another large group of burly men came into the room and I could hear them say, “Yes about 15." "So we are going to have a large fight there tonight and need two wagons.” About that time they started issuing out the other fellows and with them taking items that somehow had gotten into the room without me knowing. Large items, five gallon cans of liquids and the like.Just before walking away my new acquaintance took out from under the bed many such items.

As the burly men cleaned up they started pouring gasoline on the floor and I began to yell that I would sue and that they were destroying my home. I walked to another door that led upstairs on the right and blocked a fellow asking if he was one of the burley men which he said he was and I pleaded my case that they had to leave and who the hell were they. He asked me if I was in the military and I said no and he said that these men were usually contacting someone in the military service that could tell them about shipments.  I said no that I just worked for the Toyota factory.

Right at this time I was standing back in the living room and a snake that was nearby was crawling by and I nicked it a bit and it grabbed the top of my head in a fully extended jaw bite and was attempting to inject venom. I stood in shock for a moment until the boss of the burly guys turned around showing total fear in his face and said get it off and I grabbed and flung it for all I was worth.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Above and behind the Sanctuary

There had been a celebrity that had taken over a church but it was still a secret to many.  I do know there were events for charity and so on that was in the main sanctuary but they did not know that the rooms behind, to the sides and all other places but the lobby were locked away that a celebrity had stolen this area for herself.  I had gone in secretly to investigate for myself that the young lady star and her entourage had stolen this area for themselves and sure enough I saw that they had, of course I had to hide so as not to get caught.  I was sneaking in the wings to the left and right and up from the sanctuary and hiding in a clothes rack that was there and saw for myself.  Later it became my wife and I that were hiding there and using the space.  I knew that because we had nearly gotten caught we were allowing about 9 of the worst sickest people to be treated.  I know there was a specific case that I had asked an outside contact to get a good doctor because I could not prescribe the medication needed and it was very much needed.  There was a lecture in the sanctuary that I could overhear about collecting money so that we could help all the people that would be coming in and I remember hearing that the man nearly gave away our hiding referring to some we already had in care and if he did we would be known, however he covered for himself.  About that time my wife walked by with very old and horribly rotting flower stems out of a vase that she was getting rid of by throwing them out a window and the back of the sanctuary. They landed across a busy street in the ditch near the paving. Howard Stern with what seemed to be family riding in a golf cart.  They were riding along and upper walkway that was in front of our rooms and above the sanctuary.  I remember him telling someone on the cart that he and his father called this last service a “flint” and that is what they called the services that they did not like.  I was trying to piece together in my mind what each letter of the word could stand for something like death, dying and so on which is why I thought they probably did not like the service that day.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Dazzling Electronics

I was at my parents home.  They had many other people in the house and all of them seemed very close to my parents and possibly some of them were or had been working for them domestically.  It was, as near as I can tell, a large extended Asian family headed by the mother and father with young children and older children out of the house.  They were all very nice and all of them accepted me nearly instantly and started sharing their lives and fun with me.

It wasn't long before I was dazzled with an array of electronics by all of the children both young and old.  The young children were first to approach and sat beside me on the couch.  They were sweet children wanting to share their fun world with me. The first young girl showed me her drawings that were amazingly good for her age which was maybe eight.  She then showed me more of her work this time from a tablet computer that showed the pictures on the wall.

Later the older children showed me an amazing list of films that they had on their electronic device that hooked up to a monitor on the wall.  The picture of each film was clear beyond clear.  They landed on a particular film that showed a riot happening in the streets.  Actually at this point I wasn't sure this was a film or real footage.  In this same movie I watched as large concrete slabs maybe some ten foot wide and 5 feet high and many feet thick were rolling down the steep hills of a city street with people scattering in front of them.  The people were running in front of the blocks, running to the side all the time the blocks kept gaining speed as they rolled. Eventually I asked if I could know which feature this was as I wanted it for myself.

I was dazzled the entire evening from one end of the house to the other by a group of very nice people showing me a broad array of astounding electronics.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Dr Oz information on Dreams

The Dr.Oz show had a great segment on Dreaming not too long ago. I will link the information here.

This is one of the best small tips gained. Take B-Complex a short time before bed time. Here is a large list of the product at Amazon I take 100 mg in the evening.

What Your Dreams Mean About Your Health, Pt 1.

What Your Dreams Mean About Your Health, Pt 2."

What Your Dreams Mean About Your Health, Pt 3."

Your 5 Most Common Recurring Dreams

3 Rules to Remember When Figuring Out Your Dreams

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Dream facts

We dream 2 hours a night. That is 700 hours a year and 50,000 a lifetime All of this is done in REM sleep which is where we dream.

So you should make some use of those dreams. Either have a great deal of fun which is what I do. Analyze them for help which I occasionally do. Learn to control your dreams as with Lucid Dreaming. Or at least be aware that they consume this much of your time.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Watching the Universe

My brother, mom and dad, wife and I and we were all hanging out. I took control of a couple of laptops and 2 TVs and watched the goings on in another universe! It was incredibly great vicarious fun and something I thought I would never be a part of. You had to be very careful because it could be done but you could not shut down incorrectly and anything you did had to be done correctly. If you kept it running they would find out about it and constables would be to your house quickly. If this happened you shut everything down and then tried to bluff your way out of any suspicion.

I kept getting angry with my brother as he kept turning on more TVs and more laptops and they were all used for the other Universe. I could do it and handle it but he couldn't. I told him exactly what to shut down, what to leave, where to put things just right.

We also had a lady visitor that was looking at all the music information. She understood it and enjoyed it. This lady was a very nice lady but she happened to be a lady that was not great looking. The reason I mention this is that this lady could have crossed over universes and if she had been good looking I would have had a hell of a time as others would have wanted to be around her and this would have brought suspicion down and I would have been answering questions from the constable once again.