Monday, December 19, 2011

Infatuation - Broccoli Head


I dreamed I was infatuated and caught between two people, one was a lady and another was Neil Tyson the astrophysicist that hosts Nova Science Now.

Broccoli Head

I had purchased from a market huge amounts of Broccoli and some Cauliflower to eat raw.  They sold the produce small or large bags. I added up all my money and purchased all I could.  I was sitting in a lean back chair eating.  After a time a person or two were watching me from a short distance but not really bothering me.  My sister did interfere at one point and it did frustrate me. What frustrated me more than anything was that one of the Broccoli heads turned into a small stock with a human baby head on the end.  I could not work out how I was supposed to kill it and eat it.  It was a moral problem of course and it frustrated the hell out of me.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Mind Control of my Father

I was living with or at least hanging out a lot with my parents.  My father had gone to a business that he frequented a lot but he had not known that they were also a front for an organization that was into mind control.   Surreptitiously they had started fogging his mind and planting thoughts.  There was a bottle of sweet juice that they would send for him to drink which played a part of this charade.  I had started figuring this out and had started figuring out that my mother was also a part of deceiving my father.

I had been trying to do something about this and had assaulted another person for which I was still awaiting court.  In the mornings I started working on my father to see what was going on.  I learned that a certain frequency of TV controller would scan a business and it happened to be the control that my parents had to match their TV.  I had my father looking into it and my mother destroyed the controller.  I convinced my father into asking the man upstairs for the building to get us another.  Then one morning my father to go to the business that had done this and I went with him.  We had done this a couple of times to see if we could figure out how to get into the back room, who knew about this business and so on.  Each time when visiting there was an older gray haired gentleman that kept telling my father it was nonsense but was a bit sarcastic and looked down on my father.

This time we went in and my father opened a door that was leading to a back room and the gentleman was there and before I knew it he had strangled the man to death.  I could see him in a fury.  I grabbed him and jerked him out of the building.  We got back in him small pickup and took off and my father was still just furious.  He was merging on to the freeway and challenged another car for no reason.  I kept trying to calm him down and eventually he was reasonable again.  We went back to their home.  My mother had a stash of the sweet juice and I started pouring it out and fighting with her.  We got another control from the man upstairs at the front door and my mother didn't know so I stashed it.  My father was trying to get the big one that had come with their TV.  The one that had been ruined was a smaller one that had come with the TV.  I remember my mother and father speaking and I was in a large over-stuffed chair looking at the spilled juice and broken controls there.  I do recall that I had drank the juice periodically to get into the mindset of this mind control.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Frustration and Worry

Often when I am frustrated or worried it will come out in my dreams. This time I had the ultimate frustration/worry dream.  I was given the responsibility to put together four jig-saw puzzles and once together they needed to stay that way.  To make it worse this was to be done in a house full of drunks.  On top of that the drunks were curious meddling drunks that like to breath over my shoulder and slobber or even worse fall down on top of me or the table.  If this wasn't enough I also had 3 iPads that were mine and the drunks had full access to them. Whether they would be in decent shape after this night was another question.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Visiting with the greys

I was at my parents house where many of us in the family had gathered to visit and catch up with one another.  My parents were there some of the young ones of the family, my aunt and uncle and two non-family visitors, a couple looking to be in their 40s. 

The room was active with talk.  I was sitting beside my aunt who I had always been very close with.  We had talked about many things.  At one point my Uncle, who was on the other side of the room, sat up, winced and pulled his arms in over his belly.  My aunt had also seen it and said, "see he knows he is..." and I finished for her saying, "I call them greys."  What was meant by this was the my uncle was not there in the flesh he was with us in spirit form or you might say as a ghost, spirit of the dead, or maybe apparition.  She had meant that my uncle had seen himself in a mirror and did not like the way he looked and was covering himself the best he thought he could.

Later as my aunt and I talked the lady of the couple that was not true family had stood up to straighten clothing and I saw that she too was a grey, something I had not known before that moment.  I motioned to my mother who had been sitting beside her and she seemed to know what I was noticing and acknowledged that she too knew the reality.

My conspirator and loving aunt I knew was a grey and was appreciative that I had this time with her.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The Huge horses and the Nightmare in the making

I was going across Snoqualmie pass in Washington state from East to West on a snowmobile.  There were a lot of snow banks, blowing snow and ice both black and obvious.  I had a lot of obstacles but finally got to a small town.  I got off of the machine and I bumped an 18-wheeler truck and it started rolling down the street.  I was worried as hell and started running over to watch its path.  A bit later the owner brought it back up to its spot just about the time I realized that I would not have been in any trouble because it was on him as he had not to had it in park well enough.

A bit later I saw a man and a very large horse he was jerking the horse by a large chain and making the horse squeal loudly.  He made the horse land on the back of his neck and the horse stayed there until he yet again jerked.  He was doing other things just as disgusting.  I went behind a building and yelled, "you asshole."

Another lady came over and was wincing and moving about when I caught a glimpse of the area again and noticed the horse was not a usual horse it was enormous.  I would suggest he was the size of five horses, not even a Clydesdale of the grandest scale was this size.  The huge horse broke loose and went into a large inlet of water.  A short moment thereafter I heard a major thundering slap and I saw an Orca hit the water in full pursuit of the giant horse.  And just as the horse had been outsized this Orca was a nightmare in my waking eye.  Directly behind that flopped another huge Orca heading the way of the horse and it was a full out nightmare in the happening.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Drinks from the Ice Carousel

I was a competitor on this day.  Imagine if you will a grand carousel with a brilliant rainbow of colors and occasionally gold and silver flashes.  Now imagine no horses, no animals of any kind but around the sides a solid platform and in the middle a Plexiglas tube with a full spectrum of rainbow colors in slabs of ice.  The ice was making their way from under the platform to the top of the cylinder some 30 feet above.

This was my arena; this is where I was competing this afternoon with a handful of others around the platform.  Our outer platform would be spinning and the center spectrum of ice available. As we made our way around the ice we would be grabbing the ice that went by.  We used grabbers on the end of short handles.  We would be thrusting the large blocks of ice to our side into a chamber that would then show in color our choices. Those grabs would then be blended together to make a drink, a uniqe, one of a kind drink. Generally you needed an open and excited mind and the ability to think out of the box.  And generally those with a lot of ice grabs had the best chance at making the top grade.  But then maybe not if a lot of grabs made without good imagination could be a zero proposition.

I took my spot and the spin began and I made grab after grab midnight blue following chartreuse, Canary yellow beside true orange and finished off with lime.   My mind was sparking with possibility and ice slabs some 15 and 20 pounds at a time were swung and wham into the tube.  I found I was thinking of such grand combinations I needed to grab from further to my right and I snatched a medium-sized slab and kept rolling.  This was not within my area but I needed that slab to make the perfect combination.  Now I find I needed a sliver that was off to my left at least a foot from my area and I needed it before it was snatched by another.  I could not afford to let it go so I grabbed and slung.  When this afternoon was finished my combinations, imagination and stamina clearly out showed the field and applause from the bleachers rained down on me as I dismounted and took a towel to mop myself back together.  I was approached by an event runner and was being asked if I felt that my victory could have been better felt if I had stayed within my area.  I had to admit that it would have been nice but those combination were pure perfection and that poundage in total was outstanding so I really couldn't fine it within myself to feel to awfully bad.  

After the match I was in a living room that wrapped around a corner all in one room of good size.  My sister and the person she was talking to were sitting at a small dining room table on the right side that started the large living area.  I strode in to the room of a dozen or more people and let things die down a bit and then with my voice raised I started to tell how my performance on that day was near perfection.  After a few hesitant starts I found that I was not getting the audience that I wanted and I gave it up.  I was disappointed but I knew I would not let this go for too awfully long.  I then saw a kitty go by with a paper bag tied around it with string and I started asking someone else to help me rescue the kitty.  My sister called it the dust kitty as if it was something that happened occasionally.  I with the help of another guy went to the rescue.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

The stiffening

My aunt who had been dead for several years now had been brought back to life.  I was in a car in the driver's side in the back seat and my aunt Lila was in the front driver's seat driving on this day.  We had dropped down off of a major highway to a side branch that had concrete walls on each side.

I was chattering along to Lila as I often did and I had said something that referred to her having been dead before.  It was not a direct mention but something that was so darn close that a reasoning mind might very well go there.  I saw my beloved and dear aunt stop all movement and then begin a noticeable process of stiffening, actually I should probably say hardening as if she were drying concrete that turned white and stiff with each second that passed.

I shook her and in panic I hit her rather hard with closed fist. I tried my best to stop what I was seeing.  Then I had another worry. Our car was going down this concrete trough of a road and was heading toward the wall and with a steep curve coming we would hit it. I first tried turning the car straight and then I reached over and further and shut off the ignition.

After we stopped I was saddened, and now unbelievably frightened. I was in a country I did not know geographically or in any other way and I had no idea how to tell my father where we were even if I did call him by cell phone and reach him in his car somewhere in the country as well.

I walked away from the car after we had scrapped the wall and stopped and headed down the road.  I got to a series of businesses.  I went inside one to see if I could find anyone that spoke English.  This was Norway so I did not at all speak their language.  I did find some fellows that were in the pub that I had entered that each spoke some English so together they set out to help me find a room, something to eat, and contact my father and let him know where I was.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Travel, a truck mishap and an exit through blood

My wife and I were traveling a foreign country along with my sister, my best guess is maybe a small area in Russia or one of the nearby countries like Georgia or the Ukraine.  We ended up at a table in a dinner.  We were at one table and diagonal to us was a heavy lady in local dress.  There was open space in front of us and down an open room to our right.  We were there to have breakfast.

The only two men in the room were reaching down chasing hens and saying in very accented English that they needed to get the eggs.  One of them grabbed something and threw it up into the arms of the lady in the room and it was a kitten.  They evidentially had picked up a hen and the lady got up with a rag saying that the egg was going to be dirty.

Later we had company in the form of a truck that came to a concrete room next to us with a large hole in the center.  The truck tried to dodge the hole and spun this way and that and eventually dropped down in the hole with the back of the truck down and the windows up where the man that was driving and obviously completely drunk said something in English that my sister interpreted for us as being I am glad to meet you and to meet me.  He was laughing like and was not going to let the truck mishap ruin his day.

When we were ready to leave we saw that there was a floor below us and that we were going to have to exit by that means because of the truck mishap.  The men went downstairs and were rustling around and brushing could be heard and they had done a cleaning so that we could leave but they said that there could still be a problem in that there was some blood on the floor.  I looked down a hatch to the floor below and sure enough blood was pooling and covering nearly every inch of the floor.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Giving up the Names

A man came into a classroom which I was in and asked for a particular book from whoever in the classroom had it.  It was a signed specialty volume and no one spoke up about it.  I didn’t have it.  The man made it obvious that if we did not do as he said that there would be punishment on the entire class and his body language matched his words.  I was worried but I could understand someone not giving up book.

The man went out into the hall and a fellow on the other side of the room started to choke the lady in front of him.  I sat doing nothing as did the rest of the class.  By the time the man had come back into the room the lady was slumping at her table between the other people sitting there and the man had the book to hand over.  He did so and we found out that it was just the beginning.

There were a list of names and a list so involved that nearly everyone in the room would have one of them.  I noticed as a person came across their name they handed it over to the man and he took a small gadget and put it by the person’s face. The person was either passed out or dead and I was among those that feared that it was the latter of the two.

Besides handing over the name there was a list and it had to be filled out perfectly. I was talking to someone next to me about filling this out and the man came around and pointed out what was filled out by a few others on the line which was the word fifties.  I was afraid of punishment so I reluctantly signed the sheet and gave over my name and the man put the gadget next to my head and as I started to fade away I croaked out, “cocksuckers.”  

I woke up in another classroom where evidentially all of those that had submitted to the gadget went.  We were afraid to do much as always there was the fear of punishment and of even worse and greater technology.  I started talking with pride about my swearing at them on my way out and no one else having the balls to do so and I was holding close the fact that I had yet another name they wanted or at least I knew where the name was.

We were afraid to do anything at all and at first afraid to speak in the room.  As time went by we experimented and someone ordered take-out food from a guard at the door and he seemed to go for it so I ordered a large cheese pizza from Godfathers pizza.  Others ordered raspberry desert and just a whole array of food.  We did not know we could go outside the door that led into a sage and sand valley until we looked out the window and saw someone so we all went out and pretty soon there were motor bikes being ridden and others doing about anything that one might want to do in the sand.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Making mock Humans

I was working at a saw mill.  It was my first day and I was learning my job from another fellow.  There was a rubber belt nearby that would carry bits and pieces of wood that were scraps.  These could be ragged pieces that were 3 inches long and had several pointy tips or it could be a piece that was four feet long and looked like a good piece of 2 X 6.   I was being shown that my job was to assemble these pieces together into small mock humans.  In other words I used larger wood and cut holes in them so they could cross together and make a base and then a piece of wood could stand on top of that and so on until I had as good a mock human as I could get from feet to finger nails.

The fellow teaching me was very, very good and evidently had a lot of experience.  He could take a piece of wood and mold it expertly into something he needed for one of his humans.  He could take sliver three inches long and know exactly where it would fit on his sculpture.  I had to ask him if the point was to always make a full human and he said yes.  The fellow I was working with wanted to show off and went and got a sculpture he had put together out of this wood that was a decked out motorcycle chopper with extra long exhaust and it looked amazing.  A little later I needed to know how I could go to the restroom.  I was taken down to the restroom which was a roughly enclosed square about 40 feet on each side that had dirt and some in mounds other in big holes and that was my restroom.  I went in to pee and saw another fellow getting up from what must have been more than a pee and I thought to myself I better bring a roll of TP with me to work.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Rubber Balls and the Bus

I was in a classroom and during class I was rolling all sizes of rubber balls down the rows.  We got out of class and my rolling continued in the wide halls.  However I had to be stealthy and I wanted a lot of balls out there.  I would throw them when no one was looking and it might be a pea size ball and then again with a large tennis ball size, of course this was all when no one was looking.  I also would lean down and tie a shoe and drop a few balls on the floor.  I wanted the whole environment to change and be my balls.  I had just dropped a few balls when I tied my shoe and a man came by and he asked me if the universe was going to end.  I could then feel that I was in a somewhat religious environment.  I told him that I thought it was but I did not know when and that I would have to investigate.

A bit later in the morning I caught up with the man as he was in a hurry to a meeting and I told him that I had looked it up and initially I got information to follow up called "The butterfly circle" and something called CA which was the field of study.  The man hurried off with that information.  Later he and many others of us were in a bus heading off for an event.  In the bus I had asked if there were any good places to go on a date around the area.  I don't recall getting good feedback.  Later we stopped into a place that I am not absolutely sure of its reason for being but I and quite a few others of us were just in waiting mode.  I told one fellow I was going to ask one of the guys behind the counter if the good game was in the back room.  I just wanted to see what his reply would be.

There seemed to be a lot of workers mostly all women and a few came in while we were waiting but we were waiting a long, long time.  Toward the end of this everyone went outside to leave and I was left inside and I remember that I had been feeling that I would not be going on a date because I was just too fat and I could not really get hard easily so it was just too embarrassing.  I stayed in the business and I was barefoot and I started looking at the bottom of my foot and it had a giant blister bubble that I peeled back and under it were several blister bubbles that I could scrape off with a knife.  A man told me that this was something that happened and that I had to get them taken better care of.  He asked me if I had used some anti-bacteria goo that was on the wall in a dispenser and I said no but I did then grab some and smear it inside the big blister bubble and then on the outside of it and the rest of my foot.  He asked me where my shoes were and I told him I had not brought any and he said I needed to.  I then went outside as the bus were leaving and they waited to let me in to the bus where it was already very crowded.

Friday, October 14, 2011

I was along with a bus load of others on a field trip. We had taken the bus out to a wooded area. Where the bus parked we could see a bulldozer moving quite a bit of dry brown earth, could hear the large engine there. When we got out I could see that others began running away toward the forest looking under trees and so on so as I followed and watched I could see that much like a egg hiding for Easter hidden among the roots of the trees were vegetables, well actually at first I just saw a tomato. It was a nice looking rather largish beef steak tomato.

Someone had grabbed it so I went to another tree and as I made my way I could see one fellow kneeling down eating his tomato. I then found one of my own and then another and another. Then as I moved around I saw large, very large tomatoes that were on the green side and the size of footballs. I kept working my way back from where we came in as did the others as they fanned out. We had gone significantly far away now but there were still tomatoes and then I found huge egg plants and more tomatoes.

I was thinking that there wasn’t any way that we would be able to move through the forest as we were unless there was much of the earth moved and the small brush removed but as it was I could move quite freely further and further. I could move left and there was a road heading one way back at an angle and other roads going here and there. I wasn’t sure how to get back now and it worried me some but I wasn’t extremely frightened. About that time I saw a large machine like a bellows and oven running a short distance away. It was very large and seemed eerily to fit in this odd landscape

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The days of the other time

My wife and I went to our earth in another time in the future.  I recall lying down and almost waking fully several times and finally came out of it fully about the same time that she did.  We were in a kitchen of a home and my wife was doing daily chores such as our coffee. I asked her what she thought of the fact that we had stayed in bed two days before getting up.  She shrugged her shoulders and said nothing while continuing her work.  I noticed that a nearby heat vent was now putting out warmth and I thanked her for turning on the heat.  It felt good standing over the vent and warming up.  I walked around the kitchen and caught movement out of the side of my eye and I rushed to see what it was.

I saw a boy about twelve hurrying away toward the back of the house.  He was obviously frightened and he flashed bright green on his legs and back and then it filtered to most of his body.  I caught him by the shoulder and yelled out to Barbara.  I could see I frightened him and I was now not so frightened as I could easily see it was a child so I let him go and I made gestures to indicate that I was sorry and that I would not hurt him.  I backed off but the kid stayed.  We were soon joined by what I assumed was the boys family, a mother, father and several girls of various ages from early teen to early twenties.

Slowly we and they tried to communicate but it was difficult as the verbal language that the family spoke were not the English of my time.  We did notice that we could speak a bit, combine it with body language and made some progress and I noticed that I felt at times I could "hear" thoughts.  I worked on that feeling a bit and found indeed that I could communicate pretty well with just my thoughts.  The first thing I had said is that we were not there to hurt anyone.  It was important to me that they know this. Then I inquired as to who I was speaking with.

Soon the family was all sitting around the living room in a half oval while my wife and I were on the floor.  My wife was not saying much and was letting me take the lead.  I was half lying on the floor looking up at the family and felt a warm glow as I communicated knowing that I was being accepted for the strangeness that I was to this family.  Soon communication was no issue at all and it flowed as did normal conversation.  I was full of questions.

There was a knock on the door and I was hushed.  The person at the door was invited inside and I stayed with my back turned to them hoping that they would not know who or where that I came.  I noticed that the person was speaking with authority but could not understand the exact nature of the conversation.  I did get a glimpse and could see that the fellow looked stereo typically of Asian descent.  I motioned to my wife of what I had noticed and had thought that it might be picked up as a put-down by others.  The fellow left and it was explained that the person was indeed from the authorities but that it was alright.

As I settled in a bit I said to the bunch that I knew that they had daily lives to attend to and that I did not want to interfere.  At that time several of the kids had decided to leave and the father of the family had decided to stay home along with the mother.  I was burning with questions and I asked the most pressing.  My wife and I had both wondered why the mountains that we could see were all squat and fat, not the towering mountains of my time.  This was not really known and I was asked in return why I asked and I explained that in my time they were much taller and were often active volcanoes.  I asked then about the advances in curing cancer and again the notion of cancer was not known and I explained that it was runaway growth in cells that caused a tumor.

Monday, October 10, 2011

My Aunt and Mind Control

I was in a place where others I found were able to take control of my surroundings.  I had taken my aunt with me and she had disappeared.  I was looking to safely get her out.  It was mind control being thrust upon me and my mind would turn to mush and I could not string together good thoughts to get anything done.  I was fighting it and I had all the motivation in the world which was to help my aunt that I loved dearly.  I was walking down hallways and made it to what I thought was a sleep quarters and was yelling out, "Lila, are you there?" I kept going up and down the corridor and finally my aunt yelled out from a bunk on the far end, "Yes I'm here".

There was a thin sheet hanging in front of the bunk and she stuck her head out.  I started to help her up and she was explaining to me that she had been gone to somewhere else and that she was just senseless until just now.  She had at first heard me but could not answer and finally was able to fight through enough to call out to me.  I kept lifting her up and we started to walk.  I then started getting sensations of drifting away and could not control it.  I used music to try to get myself under control and I ran a mantra about how awesome music was and how much it meant in my life. It seemed to help but I just did not ever get to the end of the hall.  

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Snake Sliding

I was among the many sliders this day.  Let me describe our slide area.  Imagine a gentle slide of water that went down 25 feet.  Sit down at the top and take the slide down.  It was as simple as that except there was one more addition.  Snakes were known to be around the entire area.  These were venomous snakes, you know the kind that might kill you? Yes those kind.  To get to the top there was a cement step with metal railing walkway up.  Here too you could take a snake strike. 

Some days the snakes seemed to ignore the commotion and you would see not a strike.  Other days it seemed they made up for the quiet days and tried there damndest to hit anything moving.  This day was one of the more active days.  As always there were onlookers that were cajoled by the sliders to join them.  I guess I should say join us because I too was a slider and had on many occasions. 

I had made a skillful ballet of a slide and got no action.  I needed to get something from the bottom area so I started walking down the rail and BAM I took a strike.  I had decided to wear heavy gloves on my way down and it was a good thing as this feisty biter was nailed right to the side of my left handed glove.  I had felt the impression of fangs on the strike which means another fraction of an inch further and I would have taken it right on the hand.  Now that I had a longer appendage of a left hand with the snake trailing off over the side of the railing I tried to get myself free by using the railing to rub the snake off.  

Monday, October 3, 2011

Lock down Dorm and Unbearable Heat

I was in a lock down college campus.  And when I say lockdown I mean exactly that, we could not get out as we were being forced to stay.  I had heard of several offenses they said and we had all done crime, mine was manslaughter.  I understood why I was there but I also knew that what I had done was the right thing morally.  I had been there only a short while and was lucky to get a bed that was in a wing off of the main corridors as it was more private and not always as hot or cold.

On this day we were all trying to survive the hot.  People were trying to do something, read, study, play games, talk, do something to keep their mind off of the heat.  I was sitting on another person's bed in the main area and talking to two young men across the short space between us and where they were sitting and listening to conversation from the two people to my left.  We had another lady in the middle left of us all ignoring us all and reading.  The two young men and I were talking about the heat and I decided to go to my bed and get my math book as I could sure use the time on it and I was afraid of the punishment that would come with falling behind.

When I was there I also picked up a campus magazine that had been put out.  I also noticed that I had a fan that I had not remembered that I had.  I took it back to where we were all hanging out and asked for help to get it all back together as it was in the form of a long vacuum cleaner type hose and end attached to a larger section.  The young man across the way got it put together.  I asked the two of them if they would like the fan pointed their way and they said sure.  About that time I noticed that they had evidentially made a pact to end their lives and ride out the short time afterward that they knew would come to do something they had dreamed of they wanted to do.

We knew from a lady further up the dorm that when a person died there was a short time that was enjoyable that you could do anything that you could imagine and then after that she said there was a quick but mellow change of state into being dead.  These two young men had allowed themselves to succumb to the heat just as I set up a fan to point at them.  The two of them turned a whitish color and then I saw them go to the window that was nearby and outside I could see that there was snow on the ground and makeshift goal posts with a jump line.  They came down a hill dressed to ski and jumped up and toward the high mark of a jump.  One fellow made it over and landed hard on the other side, the other fellow hit the pole and fell to the ground hard.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Employment and Space Cadet Stools

I was seeking employment and I was first trying out for the office work side but when I was interviewed it became obvious to the interviewer that I would make a great employee but that my true talent would be in sales.  I was sent to speak with two men that would help me work through what would be needed to see if I really would be a good fit and to let me see if I thought I would enjoy it.  

They had me follow them to a horse show shaped counter with bar stools, however this was not a bar. I sat at the bar around the corner but near another man just around the corner.  I had my left elbow up and slumped against it. When I did that I was too close to the other man who moved his drink.  I sat up straight.  One of the two men I was to talk to got up and went to a console of sorts not far to his right which was also to my right. 

The man starting working the touch screen. I saw a wrapper of wood above and in front of the entire length of the horse shoe bar and on it was an LED TV screen for each stool.  I saw mine light up and said Space Cadet 1.  The man that was at the touch screen quickly moved to the stool to the right of where he was manipulating the touch screen and he touched a screen there also.  At that time every LED around the bar lit up with Space Cadet and then the next number in line.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Flying water experiments

I was young and being given the opportunity to help with medical experiments that were taking place on small ships.  I had traveled to the middle of the US to go on my first outing.  I was training in a new concept that could get you from place to place quickly to help others it was simply called "flying."  We were trying to help prove two concepts one of them "flying" and the other was that we would take blood and a small amount of tissue from one person to then help another. This was a more direct medical concept that later we were able to add to by trying a man made substance that could help seal body parts back together more efficiently.

We took this substance with us on our second outing in my home are of Seattle and tried it on a body part that we had taken out to mix with the blood of the other individual and then wanted to seal it back together and used the new substance which unfortunately failed.  We would be working to perfect that but for now we had to go with what was already being used which had some drawbacks.

I will explain a bit more about "flying." I was the first trained. I could use my body using a trained technique of using momentum and the natural wind being produced by the ship to bounce to another location quickly.  It could be anywhere within range but what we had in mind was to a place in the water or to another deck or anywhere you could see by line of sight that had injured individuals.  If done well and having enough momentum a first fly could be coupled with a quick second fly from the first landing position.

I had applied to be able to add my technique of "flying" to help with the tissue experiments.  After the first try at both I helped with the final write-ups.  I was given the chance to try the two techniques again on the Seattle ship as a follow-up.  On the second trip I remember walking the deck speaking aloud to myself about the supplies that the small ship wanted to take with them. Based off of the knowledge of the earlier experiments they wanted some cranberry juice as it had proven to help with some conditions, that they wanted the new substance for helping heal the organ and they wanted Beer as it was proven to help as well.

On the earlier ship we had traveled with a lady that signed and we met a teen-aged girl there with the family that owned the small ship that could speak sign but also use her voice and lips in soft sounds to extend communication many fold over traditional sign with voice.  When the two young women met I was standing nearby and the young girl had not been told that we were going to ask her to teach this to the other lady but when they met I could see the two made friends and the student lady was so eager to learn that I did not think it was going to be a problem.

After the second set of experiments we were walking down the street where there was a parade and the man we had been trying to help was walking with them parading for the belief that people needed to support this type of experiments.  I saw another man, gray beard walking not far behind and as I looked at him he said I am the living coach and I thought to myself that it was good we had been waiting for him.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Fixing the Bleeder

I was with my father and we were looking to repair the health of one of our frozen human subjects.  This was taking place in the lower floor where the temperature was kept very, very cold.  We knew that one of them had an arterial bleed and my father was sent to fix it.  We kneeled down to make the repair.  My father stripped off the husk to the outside of a mashed vegetable matter that was going to be the base for the repair and would be mixed with the subjects own skin and meat to plug the hole that was a major bleeder.  As my father readied the ingredients I saw the cold dark cloudy eyes of the person opened and showed some sort of life.  I yelled out that the person had opened their eyes and my father looked at me and rolled his eyes as if I were a complete idiot.  Just a moment later the person lifted up off their spot and took both hands and started making a rowing type action as if they were going to get away.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Getting the Giant, The Huge Teddy Bear and a failing Alibi

Repetition and frustration, those were the feelings most dominant throughout along with oddity in my reality.  I was with a group of people and we were in a large mall or warehouse and we were there day after day. I am not sure this was because I was forced by the law but I do know it was frustrating.  The main thing that was extremely frustrating was that there was a giant of a fellow that kept following me and some others wherever we went.  We would walk down a long hall and go to the other end of the long warehouse and we would be cutting a zigzag path down the aisles and he would still follow us. As I say he was a giant of a fellow probably 6 foot 6 at least and with a barrel chest the size of two people.  His legs were huge; everything about the man was huge.

We tried various things to get the giant to stop.  I remember yelling at him many, many times.  One time I threw a rack of clothes into him and he landed on the floor. I jumped over where he was and was beating his head until he pushed me away and put up his feet to stop me coming back.  His shoes were the equivalent of a size 35 or some such nonsense and they were shaped like an elves shoes with pointed tips on the end.

We would pick a spot in the warehouse and have meetings occasionally.  One time I was sitting on a couch and there were ladies that had put folded clothes and other things on my couch and around our area.  I tossed the clothes as far as I could and yelled at them for being in our area.  Another of the times the man followed me I remember I went by a small inside café and one of the waitresses there looked at me oddly so I hurried on.  Other times I would go through glass doors to the outside and back in.

I remember on one occasion we were taking a break and went outside.  The sky was dark and overcast but not raining or wet.  The giant acted like he had business to do.  I recall he was headed inside my car parked on the beach.   The car was a small VW Beetle and I had to keep him away.  About this time I could see activity out in the ocean.  There were a few boats in the water.  There was a tug boat, a larger ship farther out and a few others.  All of a sudden I could see a large Teddy Bear head fly out of the sky and land in the water.  This head was the size of a car or more.  I said to the large fellow along with others," I want a picture of this," and they looked out to see what I had seen. About this time I could see a large rig on shore pulling a loaded logging truck out of the water.  They pulled it out fast and hard and it rounded the corner very near to where I was.

Back inside again I was going down a hall and the giant was following me and I could see two others that had been constantly followed also nearby and they were yelling at the giant for what he always did.  I looked at them and I said, "Let's get him.  Right now."  They jumped the man and pulled him to the floor.  I immediately grabbed his glasses and tossed them as far as I could.  I knew this would hurt him as we had wrestled glasses off of him before and his reaction was pained.  We continued to beat the man and then I got up and walked off.  I left the others to continue the beating.

I was attempting to keep an alibi for my whereabouts but I could see that it was not going to be fool proof as I was away from any of the others for a long gap.  I got back to the area that we usually congregated and I could see some commotion nearby.  I looked under a nearby rack and could see that there was a game going on under a table and was being played with different shaped markers.  I could hear someone say that it was finished as one of them had made a move that could not be beaten.  Finally at the end I could see a lady in water with her head barely above water.  Her mother was nearby talking away without concern.  I tapped the woman a little hard to bring her to and she came out of it.  When she had her faculties and she realized that she had been in a dream.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Trip to the service and then filth and blob hands

I was in a car load of passengers heading to a church service.  My wife was in the back with her dad and I was in the front seat.  I leaned against the door and propped my knees up some but not with feet on the dash and this drew the ire of the driver that said that the dash was not very sturdy and that I shouldn't prop the way I was.  I said, "Hey I have this perfected" and the other lady in the back seat beside my wife also gave me some grief.  After a bit I gave in and sat up.

We got to the service and were on a break.  My wife and I had left and went to a get together with this guy that was in his late twenties.  And older lady and a young daughter were also there.  The house was filthy, dirt was everywhere.  The toilet was filthy but there were rocks and stacks of old papers. The floors were just terrible.  There were piles of items everywhere and all you could think when seeing them was dirt, germs and all forms of bad.

I went to a room and opened up a folder of paperwork for something to do.  There was a small TV there as well that we watched. I hit the remote to turn down the sound and instead I lost the picture.  I tried to get the channel back but I had to turn the old fashioned knob like on the TV of the sixties and I could not get the channel back.  I wondered why I could not get the channel and the lady came over and got the channel back with one touch and I said, "Oh you have VHF out here," and she nodded her head yes.  She told me about a program she liked to watch and I said I would also watch UHF if I had it.

The phone rang and the lady could not find her phone.  She accused me of moving or stealing the phone.  I told her that I had not and that I had been reading.  The lady started saying if you don't think I am serious I am telling you that you shouldn't mess with me.  She was sitting in a big overstuffed chair.  I sat down on a little stool and my wife was in a chair.  When the lady was lecturing me her hands would turn from normal hands to a big lumpy blob about the size of a boxing glove.  She said that I should go to this certain web site section and then follow a link.  She told us there was some documentation there.  All of this time her hand would flash into a lumpy fleshly blob and then back to a normal hand, back and forth it went.

I started worrying about my smoking and I wanted to quit as it wasn't healthy and I thought well what can I do maybe buy Marlboros because that is what the kid had on the desk there.  I started thinking that the name brands were the worst for the poisons in them.  Finally I got up went over to the carton of Marlboros, took a pack and ripped off the covering.  I took a cigarette and told my wife it was time to go.  When we got out to the street we were a bit panicky and did not know which way we should turn. I started one direction and my wife stopped me and said no we should go the other way.  We had a ride to the service but we did not have a ride from this house back and it was quite a ways away from where the service was.  I did not at all want to go back because of her hands and the filth of the house.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Different Realities and Swimming out of Trees

I was a wanderer and sometimes that just didn't pay off!  Our living quarters were on different floors of a towering building that was also deep and long.  These floors broke our living into different realities.  In other words the way I saw things on my floor and the way I lived daily was completely different than those on a different floor.  The realities were not completely foreign from one to the next but definitely they were much different.  The inhabitants on one floor were not completely welcoming of wanderers.  They would not kill you or at least I didn't think so but just going and expecting to hang out was not something that worked well.  As I mentioned I was a wanderer and most of those living the different realities new me and made it a point of messing with me if they saw me where I should not be. 

This time when I hit a floor not of my own fellows made it particularly hard on me.  The first think I knew I was struggling to get myself out of a tree.  Well let me explain that a bit.  Imagine a tree about 15 feet tall.  Then imagine it was a full tree of branches.  But these trees had no leaves.  They were sturdy trees just without green on them.  So now imagine you are in the middle of this tree and struggling to make your way out of it.  That is dead in the middle without being able to drop down and crawl out.  I am supposing I had made this floor/reality before and had found myself in the middle of these trees.  I had a way out of them.  I had to turn my body over and over and backwards until at some point I would find myself on the outside of the tree.  It was as if by these motions the tree would part on one side and I was out of the tree. 

I moved myself out of the first tree I found myself inside.  It was a lot of fun but also took a good amount of effort.  Once I was on the outside of the tree I found myself yet in the middle of another.  I worked my way to the outside and I then saw why I was finding myself in tree after tree, they were being thrown at me by that floor's inhabitants.  I worked myself out of tree after tree.  Finally I had worked myself to the other side of the building and made my way into a small building there. From there I then made my way back to my own floor reality.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Gushing flood waters and Holding on to Life by a Thin Line

There were great gushes of a flash flood river that was flowing down off of a forested Mountain headed directly towards me and others.  It was coming down from our front right.  I was lucky enough to have been one of the few people that were on top of a wooden tower building.  Many people were getting carried away by the water or were trying to find footing somewhere on the land on either side.  It slowed to a mere trickle for just a few moments but I could see toward the top of what my sight could see on the Mountain side that water was slowly building and would soon flow once again.  The water began again with immense gushes carrying great force with it.  There were others on the top of this tower and I was terrified that they would push me either on purpose or by accident and I would lose my grip and fall.  As it was I was lying there but no real grip.  

Monday, September 5, 2011

Postage Stamps Kill and my Father Drives Terribly

We had heard a report on TV that the postage stamps that were being sold at a quick store that we knew were killing people. They were lick stamps and if you licked them you would die soon after the poison on them got into your system.  We saw the report that showed a man's family speaking about their loss.  The scary part about this is my mother had gotten some of the stamps.  We got to her with my father driving and we told her about it.  Then I and my brother decided we better get rid of ours.  I licked one of mine for some reason and then quickly before I swallowed I collected some water in my mouth and rinsed and spit.  My father was driving us meaning my mother, brother and I and we were headed somewhere.  He was driving fast and my mother and I both yelled at him to take it easy.  This only spurred him on to drive worse.  

He intentionally spun around corners and through small gates.  My mother wanted to drop by that store so we got close and my father slowed down and she got out but the car was moving as my father took off.  We collected her back up and I yelled at him over having done that to my mother.  He again was taking risks in his driving he should not have been taking.  We spun around a corner and the car slid to the side and then headed straight into a building.  This time I could see we were not going to get out of the collision.  I braced and could see my brother next to me brace with arms over head.  Sure enough we hit the building.  I was sure we were dead if the building was cement and block.  We got lucky and it was a wood framed building with no wall on the inside.  We smashed through it and then through a port of potty that happened to be set up on the far side of the building.  We went out the other side and into a mesh metal fenced open yard  

Disclaimer - The reason the Eid stamp is in this post is because I love the fact Postal supported Muslims not because I am against Muslims!

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Deep Empathetic Communion

I had gone to see a family that I had not known but we all wanted to get to know each other. I got into the house and the entire family was sitting in a living area that had several areas to sit.  I took a position on the floor near the center of the family.  As we started conversation a little girl maybe 7 or so came over and got close.  She held on to me and put herself in my arms and snuggled next to my chest.  I felt very strange about this as this is not a loved relative this is a stranger and that sort of close contact is not really alright.  Then her father said she likes to touch, feel others it's ok. I still felt very strange and wanted to remove myself from the situation.  I did not get up and tried to be ok with it for now.  In a bit of time another of the girls in the family maybe 10 or so came over and got near but maybe not quite so over my chest.  The younger of the two left.  As I continued conversation with the adults of the family I started to feel something palpably different in my emotions.  I could tell that something was not right or better yet it was right and to the fantastic of right!  The family were all super Empaths and could read, feel and share emotions on a much deeper level than any of us have ever done so.  I now understood what was welling up in me something that I was not used to, a real caring, responsibility for good and desire to make a better world.  As we continued our conversation it was more like a communion.  One of the girls that had come closer told me that the boy I made out to be about 6 would also have come closer but his skin broke out with a rash when he got too close to someone.  They pointed over and the boy showed the back of his hand and it was broken out but I guess not as bad as it could have been if he had made his way closer.  
When I had awakened from this dream.  I laid there in total awe for a bit and then found myself tearing up wishing that it was true and wishing that I could make it true.  I had felt so warm, so true, so very free and uncontaminated.  It was an amazing feeling.  It wasn't until later in the day that I remembered the concept of "Rainbow Children."  I have a link that will explain from another's point of view what that is but the way I have always felt about it was that children of our future may very well be more spiritual, more empathetic and more free of ills of humankind.   I do hope that this is so and if it is a fraction of how I felt when I awoke humankind will be just OK. 

Thursday, September 1, 2011

The show, the stars and the cabin with the messy floor

My family and friends were with me outside.  We had one bench where my father and a few others were sitting and I and many others of us were on the ground just ahead of them.  There was an attempt at an outdoor showing.  This was to be more art and fun stuff than a movie or anything of that sort.  I, on the ground just in front of my father, touched him and gave to him what I hoped would be received as a loving gesture on his leg.  I told the others around me that it was amazing how many stars we could see.  A time or two my father got up to help or check one thing or another and I could hear someone saying that he was anxious about the whole thing. 

A bit later a dear friend from years past gave me two long candles, both white, and was asked to carry them with the left hand just in front of the center of my chest and the right about 18 inches in front of it.  The candles were lit but acted more like a light stick and had a nice white green glow.  I was to get up and walk around the area which I did. 

The group of friends and I walked up a hill to a small home or cabin there and went inside.  Immediately I noticed that the floor was very messy but most of the mess appeared to be wood chips.  Others worked on starting a large fire in the wood stove nearby and after they had gotten it going  I stood very near it as I was chilled.  There were animals dogs and other that were playing on the floor among us. 

My family and friends were with me outside.  We had one bench where my father and a few others were sitting and I and many others of us were on the ground just ahead of them.  There was an attempt at an outdoor showing.  This was to be more art and fun stuff than a movie or anything of that sort.  I, on the ground just in front of my father, touched him and gave to him what I hoped would be received as a loving gesture on his leg.  I told the others around me that it was amazing how many stars we could see.  A time or two my father got up to help or check one thing or another and I could hear someone saying that he was anxious about the whole thing. 

A bit later a dear friend from years past gave me two long candles, both white, and was asked to carry them with the left hand just in front of the center of my chest and the right about 18 inches in front of it.  The candles were lit but acted more like a light stick and had a nice white green glow.  I was to get up and walk around the area which I did. 

The group of friends and I walked up a hill to a small home or cabin there and went inside.  Immediately I noticed that the floor was very messy but most of the mess appeared to be wood chips.  Others worked on starting a large fire in the wood stove nearby and after they had gotten it going  I stood very near it as I was chilled.  There were animals dogs and other that were playing on the floor among us. 

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Alternate Unvierses, Animal protector and a coin trick goes bad

I was in a large two-story compound.  Several other and myself had come from an alternate universe and were supposed to be living by the rules of the system we were in now.  I wasn't sure that it was the best thing to do and was hiding an agenda of my own and I knew others were also. 

I was on the lower floor of the compound and I saw a man twisting a dog's ear and teasing him in other ways.  It was not in a good way.  I went over to him and pushed him back and said to him that if I saw him teasing the dog like that again I would kill him.  I also told him that if I didn't see him that every single one of the others would tell me if they saw him doing so.  I knew that they would as I was towards the top in rank.  I had the dog's toy in my hand and I threw it at him and hit him in the head.  I said, "That is a toy.  You are a toy! And the dog, he is not a toy!"  The man left after and I walked away. 

Later I was on the second floor where we were all sleeping and I noticed that there were coins all over the floor, half dollars, quarters all manners of coins.  I thought there had to be at least seven dollars in change so I gathered it all up.  I was going to take it to someone and then thought better of it as what if the money was not theirs and they claimed it anyway.  I didn't like that so I thought what I might do is stack it up near the stairs where no one could take it.  Another person came to me and I told them what I was doing. 

I noticed when I was by the stairs I could see down to the lower floor and see almost everything going on there.  Then I had this thought what if I were to take some of the coins mostly the smaller ones and throw a coin at a time about ten feet away from someone and make them look over and wonder what the heck was going on.  I got my first penny and threw it in the general area of a man I thought maybe ten feet away.  The floor was a shiny linoleum product and the coin hit it popped up and nailed the man right on the forehead!  I thought oh wow that's not a good idea so I laid the rest of the money down. 

I walked off and then noticed a box of books next to where someone was going to be sleeping.  I looked over at them.  It seemed to me to be books describing the beliefs of the other universe.  I packed up a bag of them and put them over on the other side of the dormitory where I thought they would be taken away.  I sat down and started to read a couple of them and had to admit I agreed with them. 

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

All about Dream Factories by - Bogdan Szot

This art depicts the artist's evaluation of our minds at night a "Dream Factory."

Here is the artist approaching the same subject with video
Art dream video

This is more of Bogdan's art Artworks

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Wooden Violence

I was running away and trying to figure out where I was going to hide.  I was being sought for a violent act I had committed.  I had been in a large warehouse and there was a lot of pallets and stacks of finished wood products.  I was way, way up on an upper level. I had thought that our entire group would participate in what I was then to do. I was to take a long finished piece of 2x ... wood and heave it so that it would hit directly on top of a person that was sitting in the bleachers far below us. I threw my wood and he was knocked unconscious. Eventually after waiting much time he came out of the unconcious state but I knew I was on the hook for what had been done.

I did not know what the charge might be?   It wasn't manslaughter or murder but I figured it was assault but how grievous of a charge it was I wasn't sure.  I took a piece of finished wood about 8 to ten feet long and I started using it as a sled.  Belly first on this chunk of wood I flew down all the roads in the nearby area, running up into the wooded outlying areas to the downtown alleys and roads.  I could not find a place that I thought I felt comfortable hiding out and not eventually get caught.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Machine error (or the tale of the jutting cheek)

I was in a very high-tech medical investigation lab.  Two of the engineers were working on a touch screen that was obviously attached to the vast array of equipment seen in the room.  I was very near them.  One man worked on the touch screen looking at patterns on the monitor and making rapid hand movements.  As the man worked further I could feel my right side cheek begin to move outward.  It continued to move outward until the cheek was completely stretched to its limits and stuck out a good three inches while my mouth became a tiny slit of an opening. 

The man working let the tension in his shoulders relax and it appeared that he had done what his work asked of him.  At that time I made a sound and tried to speak.  Both of the men looked over at me and gasped just the smallest amount.  The man handy with his hands at the board said I can get that.  He began looking at patterns on the monitor again and his hands slowly worked as what it appeared he was doing was looking for the faulty bit of code.  In a flash of a moment and with little sound all equipment ceased to work, lights went out and we were now without power. 

They two men were aggravated and not at all pleased.  After a few moments power came back on.  Handy hands said to the other technician I can get it.  I could hear the other man say, "That is extremely difficult."  "But I can get it" answered handy hands.  Again the screen was full of patterns, of what I wasn't sure as I just could not see from my distance the fine detail.  However I could see information written on the monitor that flowed in patterns of clumps, strings and dots of information.  At that moment handy hand exclaimed "that's it".  He took his hands and surrounded on the monitor a small bit of information and began to pinch and remove it.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Oral Therapy, the three hats, and the true self

There were four of us in the room.  There was the lady that the other three of us was sure needed our help.  We were using oral therapy techniques to help her.  At one point the floor had been given to me.  I was running down through verbal therapy with the lady how she would never remain herself, that she was always trying to become someone else.  It had taken some time to get to the point I was at. The lady, not wanting to face the reality of her actions, had fought hard to not admit and deal with it.  I had gotten her to a point of real discomfort at this point and again the lady answered in such a way to attempt to be another person than her true self.  I confronted her directly with the fact and pointed out what in her speech and body was telling me I was correct.  I was sure that I could break her down.  This would then allow me to build her back up while pointing out that this was the better way to go. 

Suddenly I saw the lady flash quickly through three gaudy women's hats rapid fire.  I am saying I could see this with my eyes as did the others near me.  This was not physically capable of happening but it did.   I started to speak and was motioned by the other two near me that they would take over at this point.  At nearly the same time as the women next to me said "This is who you are!" a gurney rolled out the door in the back of the room toward us.  The women that had been facing us this day suddenly started screaming, "No, No that isn't me, that isn't me!"  I could see on the gurney was a red-headed lady with no legs and not at all looking healthy.  I could tell although the protest had run out that this was indeed the ladies' true self.   

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Eight Horrifying, Misunderstood Nightmares

I found this article this week on the Eight Horrifying, Misunderstood Nightmares.  I think it has some merit so thought I should post it here.

My experience on nightmares are that they are so very odd in my case and not at all straight-forward for the most part that I cannot really figure their meaning out.  There are occasions that I too have the kind spoken of here and they are more direct nightmares however as you see in the majority of my dreaming I tend to dream oddly and nothing like what I have heard from others so my nightmares fall in that same pattern.

You have seen very few of my nightmares posted here and for good reason.  Frankly, I don't want to remember them and take steps so that I won't.  I love writing my dreams out and then putting the dreams up in a journal.  I am not dedicated that way to nightmares. I do not try to remember them just so I can write them down.  If I happen to remember them the next day I will certainly write them out but I am not going to write them down at the time or speak them into a recorder which I also do.  Usually I am exhausted as I have slept poorly and I leave a light on and try to go back to sleep.  It can be very difficult at times as some of my nightmares border on night terrors.

Friday, August 19, 2011

The Dying Astronaut

I was with my father and brother and we had been in a very forested area that was at that point covered in a lot of snow.  We had driven out of the deeper woods and were now in a large building that was a school.  It was built with a gathering area in the center and then wings breaking off around the diameter of the circle in the middle.  There were also stairs leading up at several places around the circle.

I was driving in the truck to pick up our backpacks and other equipment and drove the truck up a wing to the center of the building where I stopped next to the equipment in the center.  My father said no take it out there for now and pointed at a spot to park just outside the circle.  I did so and then joined my father and brother in the center of the building. 

There was a hush over the building with whispers coming out in different areas and at different times.  I did not know what was going on but there was a feeling of seriousness, of tenseness that was obvious.  I finally asked what was going on and at first was not given the answer I was just urged to wait.  I could see a group of people that were huddled in an office. 

At this time a class of students were brought in to take the benches in the area and a man told them in straight-forward language that there teacher who was also an astronaut was dyeing a sudden death.  They were then left to speak with the staff and among themselves.  I had learned that the man was feeling ok a day before and that today he was moment from dying.  He had no warning, no pain but the fact was he was going quickly.  I caught a glimpse of him and he was very pale, with yellow tinges to the skin and had the glazed over eyes and body language of a person in total shock and faced with a reality hard to grasp. 

They took the astronaut/teacher out a door and into an office.  Later I could see a sheet had been put over his face and body.  The reality of death had occurred.  As the students, the staff and the family left out the many doors I was asked to bring the truck up and it was loaded.  My father and brother hopped in the seat and went outside.  I realized I did not see them around after some time.  I walked between two sides of the building to doors there watching for them.  

Thursday, August 11, 2011

We better get going then - Whale Surfing

We Better Get Going Then

I was being chased and I had hoped on to a bike and was ready to roll off and my uncle hoped on behind me as I was saying into the wind in front of me wow I was in trouble and my uncle said "well we better get going then."

Whale Surfing

My wife and I along with a couple of others were in the ocean riding the waves on inner tubes and also body surfing.  It was very blue water and it was awesome to get to the top of a wave and look down and see 20 feet below.  It was a gorgeously brilliant blue sky and sunny all around.  Out of the blue came a tall bubble of water that I road in an adrenalin rushed moment.  I recall yelling out, "That was a whale" and then looking to my right where I did see a breaching Orca.  As I came back down to the bottom of the water indent that was created I had little time to ponder the situation and I was soon riding another bubble up.  This time I could see that there were three or four whales to my right not all Orca but Blues as well.

I heard one of the women that were out with us yelling to my wife that she was now fine and that my wife needed to now save the whales.  I meant this to mean that they had asked Barbara to use her healing powers to help our Whale visitors.  The rest of us headed for the beach.  I did not see my wife for quite some time and later I recall walking up beside what appeared to be a large aquarium glass and seeing my wife in the corner riding among a swirl of foaming water that appeared to have substance enough to be filling up the tank.  I told her that she had done what she needed to do and that now she had to get out.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

The visitors

I was in a prairie grass valley.  This was our encampment which comprised of a half dozen buildings.   There were 25 or so others with me as well.  We had seen some very odd flying machines in the sky so we had started trying to make decisions about gathering together in safety.  There was one particular building that most of us decided to stay in and prepare what little defense we could muster.  There were some others that sought solitude in various cubby holes in the buildings and throughout the valley. 

This building was one large room with windows which we attempted to close off. There were long lunchroom tables which we kept in one part of the room together and I recall taking a nap on top of one of the tables.  My mother was in the room also and we sat together.  Later there were wild lights in the valley and nearby where we were at, they were flashing at odds with a series of oddly mechanical sounds. 

We began to see green rubbery like tendrils start at the top of the window and then slowly unroll their finger-like appendages down the windows until the entire window looked like it had a green lacy fringe. We were all scared but we had little in order of defense, we tried to make ourselves small and some in pathetic bravado took shovels and swung them at the windows. After a time the lights, sounds and appendages left leaving us alone with our fears and worries.

A few of us began to venture cautious peeks out the doors and windows and then slow unsure steps outside. It appeared that we were again alone. Slowly life in our camp began to come back to normal. Then we noticed that high in the skies, nearly at visions bounds, we could see large bird-like creatures flying.  The flying creatures looked a lot like the pictures we have all seen of prehistoric predators, and that is certainly how they appeared, Had to be of significant size for us to have even a glimpse of them from that far away.  Again we were frightened, very frightened but without any defenses were at a loss how to handle the oddness that was unfolding before us. 

Many of us just remained outside as it appeared that if we were in danger we were outclassed as well and there was no reason to cower in the weak protection of a darkened room.  As late afternoon arrived everyone in camp was milling about fixing dinner and doing other chores while taking cautious looks into the sky where now the flying creatures were few and then gone completely.  I had started to hear rumors that there was a flying craft on the other side of the rim of the hill surrounding our valley. 

There were three of us, myself, my brother and another person in the camp that decided we could brave it and go and check out the craft. About half way there I started to wonder if I had it in me.  I was more frightened by far than any other time in my life. I started to drop behind my brother and let him hide me until I decided that I too was brave enough. 

On our way we had a fellow pass up on his way toward the camp and he would not look at us.  We asked him why and he said I would have until I saw them.  That did not at all make me feel better but we continued.  When we got to the craft it was transparent and we could see yellowish orange beings with odd protruding short appendages and folds of what to us looked like fat.  Brighter orange patches were spread among the writhing mass and I felt squeamish as if what I was seeing was not at all right in our universe and in no universe I could imagine.  It was frightening but more so it was upsetting to all senses and indeed didn't make sense.

I began to feel a tingle on my shoulder, a touch I suppose and it felt nice. This was a friendly touch, a touch of assurance.  As we all began to feel this touch or what I now considered communication we drew more at ease. After some time we each felt that we should go back to our camp and explain how we felt and that we did not anticipate ill will of any type. 

When we got back to the camp we walked into our building and I noticed small green flying creatures that looked a bit prehistoric.  They were on the floor but flattened either by some stress on their part or they had been killed.  I explained some of what we had found out in our travels.  At that time behind us came figures. First what appeared to be a masculine figure still in orange and yellow but far less unsettling and in a more compact blocky human like form with no odd appendages. Then a more feminine featured being came forward and came beside me and I swear as I write this that she acted enamored with me. She stood so near it was hard to not believe what I was picking up. I saw what appeared to be a smile or the close resemblance of a smile and I felt a warmth come over me.

After some time two of us began to explain to our camp that it appeared that all they really needed was some linoleum that we had and we began to run a loading chain and gathered up a large amount for them.

Monday, August 8, 2011

A visit to a Mountain Cabine

My wife and I went to visit my brother-in-law's friend in the mountains.  My brother-in0law was supposed to be there so my wife and I wanted to join them.  We got to the mountain and walked up from where we parked to a cabin that was up a hill. The cabin sat at the bottom of a very snowy pretty mountain.  It was spring so it was still chilly but very gorgeous.

My wife and I were in the yard and there were two picnic tables we were told that my brother-in-law's friend had made. They were made of steel cable attached to one end of the table and then coiled away in half loops until reaching the end about 20 feet away.

We joined the others inside and the scene changed to my wife and I visiting her Dad's second wife and their family.  My wife sat on one side of a couch and the 2nd wife on the other.  In the middle was a younger person.  I was sitting on an ottoman in front of the couch and leaned over to put my head in the lap of the younger person and asked if it was OK.  She said yes it is.  I laid there and we all chatted.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Three Dreams about Family

I dreamed about three of my family one that is dead and two that are alive.  The first was my uncle Martin who is dead.  I remember hanging out with him and I ran up behind him and gave him a hug around his middle as if I were a kid and said it was good that he was around again.  Also he was cleaning pits of pitch or something from a long bladed knife.  My Unvle was always very good with his hands and this was being done in the care that he always took care of things.

The next was a dream where I was protecting my older brother.  I don’t recall anything beyond the fact that I was sticking up for him.

The next was a dream about my father.  He was very ill.  I had gone into his bedroom at one point and visited with him and I lay down beside him as he had said he wanted someone to lay with him.   I also recall that he had sat up at one point and had a black spot on the back of his hand about the size of two quarters in size.  I did not know what it was but I felt it was malignant.  I remember thinking that it was not healing.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

The Vat

I was looking directly at the "Vat".  There were five channels of water about 20 yards long.  On each of the channels end leaning up against the wall of the channel was a human like growth but partly unformed and in most cases deformed.  On one channel were two figures leaning up against the wall.  One was a large headed humanoid head that was working to keep its head above water as the pond flowed with windblown waves.  Below the water line was another figure popping up for a mere moment and then back down under the water. Eventually I could see that the one under the water ceased movement.The pond raised and the last I saw as I looked away was that big head was fast losing his ability to keep above water and I was certain would soon go under forever.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Jumping out windows and the target zone

My brother, my sister, my wife and I were hanging out on a vacation.  I remembered speaking with my brother about if every one of us in the family could do what we knew to do and we did it well we would all move forward.  My brother had contacts and all the others of us had other skills that could all combine to make a whole.

Then things turned into something different.  I was with a past girlfriend and we came to a large place with a lot of halls and rooms.  We were watching a late night movie but also we were the movie.  As it went forward we were doing everything in the movie.  We were watching the movie and I would find myself going to sleep and I slept in various odd places, a bathtub and up against a wall.  The girl was next to me and we were holding hands on one occasion.  There were a bunch of people in one movie that were like they were getting brain-washed.  Occasionally one of the people would do something shocking such as kill themselves.

Everyone at one point jumped out a windows and everyone would fly down in the exact same arc, intentionally aiming themselves at a target and every one of them would smash there one after the other.   Others would take off from steps leading into a building and yet they would still take the same angle and smash in the same targeted zone.  Always they would land head first.  The movie we were watching was warning us to watch for trouble.  The girl I was with started pushing me away and was accusing me of turning against her.  After that they were trying to talk a lot of people on our floor to jump down into the pool below.  They tried to convince us that it was OK but people would jump, they would land in the pool and yet they would still fly off at the same exact angle and hit the spot where their heads would smash with the impact.  I would not go.

Monday, August 1, 2011

The Battle

I had a gun and I was one of many with them.  We were shooting each other.  We were in a very large building with many doorways, rooms, stairs and halls.  There was one extremely large room with obstructions that could be used to hide.  I did not see anyone die that got hit but it was a very serious atmosphere.  Apparently the consequences were grave although I did not see anyone die.  It was difficult because there were some that were more like zombies than others. They had stamina, and one mindedly went after their prey.  If you angered them they redoubled their efforts and I had the misfortune of doing just that along the way.

I had also laid down my share or bullets.  At one time I was in a room with a lady that was standing guard up high on a perch.  I was speaking with her as we had a truce between us and I laughed at her attitude as shown to others.  She was a hard individual when she needed to be.  At another time I was sitting in a large room on a bench beside a couple of others. I was relatively safe on the bench.  Everyone had left but one armed guy and I and I was not sure if I got up to leave that I wouldn’t be shot.  I did not want to make the move but as I continued speaking with my comrade in arms I felt more comfortable that I was ok to get up and go and I did.

At another time I was in a large hall of people and my aunt walked by going the other direction.  It was difficult to stop but I told the companion that I was with that it was my aunt and I stopped and went to her.  She was very loving but not completely with it, she looked tired.  Another time I was going through a large room and in the floor sunken in a hole were two people.  One had his head sticking out and a hole cut in the flooring just around his neck so that it would come through the floor.  There was a rectangle metal compartment around that.  The other fellow had the same set up but with an additional small hole in the floor.  I knew that I could get free points from them and shot each of them four times.  It looked like metal balls was my ammunition and I missed one of my shots on the second fellow on my quick path by them.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Work I would not do, my brother, a knife and training to come

My father was telling me that I needed to do some physical work and needed to have it done just right.  This was something that I was to do each day.  He was also telling my brother.  I thought it was bull shit and told my father that I would not do it.  I left and went into my room to lie down.  I heard my brother coming so I got up as I knew that I could not lie down if they were around. I would have to do that and any other pleasurable things only when he and my father were not around as they would be taken away.

I went into the living room and sat down.  My brother came in and sat behind me.  He was speaking to me about doing what they had been telling me that I should do and I told him that I thought it was bull shit.  After a bit of time my brother walked around the couch from where he was sitting behind me and had something in his hand.  As he got close he said, “Do you want some paper,” evidentially saying this to throw me off for a moment while he then sprayed an aerosol in my eyes. He then left to walk down a long hallway.

I was angry, very angry.  I grabbed a long bladed butcher knife and I held it as I walked down a long mall like hall after him.  People were looking at me as I made my way down the hall and I didn’t much care.  As I got closer to the door at the end of the hall I realized that someone would probably arrest me if I stayed inside and I thought the better plan was to walk out the door so that no one would think I was up to anything to harm them.

Just as I stepped out the door I felt a hand lightly placed on my back.  As I took another step there was a person on each side of me.  They started speaking with me telling me how stupid I was walking down the hall the way I did with the knife in clear sight.  They took me back to a living room setting where they spoke more openly to me about how I needed to learn to handle things and not react.  I could see that they were mentors of a kind and that they were teaching me the ropes.  Apparently I was being trained for a wise guy role.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

The Movie Job, The Boss and Over a cliff

I was a twenty something kid brought into a criminal organization.  My job was to help with getting a film completed that was being shot on the premises.  I met with the director, the cinematographer and the actors when I walked into a room where they were setting up for a shot.  The next day I came in and I went to the back and asked to see what they were going to do that day.

I was floundering not knowing how to find this information for myself and in walked the Boss who I assume was the financier, another person to watch over the operation, and the director. They grabbed four photographs that I understood to be their way of using a story board and they were looking at what scenes were going to be shot.  I made my way into position to see pretty well and when crowded out by the Boss I backed off and looked the best I could.  It wasn’t long after that because of a screw up on the shooting schedule that I found myself in a large room with shined linoleum floor.   On the other side of the room were three other people, one the person that was ahead of the daily progress, the Boss and another of his lieutenants.

I was being told how bad it was that we had gotten way behind in shooting schedule and that it could not happen again.  All this time there was a pistol pointed at me and I was scared to death, eyes squinting into the gun.  I was flinching and alternately slumping to my side and sitting straight.  I was more than frightened.  After some time of the grilling and abuse the lieutenant came across the room and slid down on the floor in front of me and had a large pair of pliers that he was menacing towards me trying to get a grip on my fingers.  As he was doing this I remember him saying, “I need to get a piece.”   About this time I heard a gunshot and I flinched and sat in stunned absolute paralysis.  It was a bit of time when I heard the lieutenant saying, “Look, look over there.”  I finally looked and saw that the Boss had shot to death the person that was ahead of the shooting schedule.

It was some time after the "Bosses" meeting.  I was chewing gum and had made a mess on the floor of the front office.  I had walked out the door and I came back shortly after that and the lady in the office who was a thirty something lady told me that I had made a mess and I told her that I was just coming back to clean it up.  I grabbed a rag that was handed to me and some paper towels and I could not clean the mess up. I could spread it out and glob it differently but could not get it up.  I was scared again that I had done something that I should not have done.

I was walking out of the back building one day toward the front of the lot.  There was a building to my right and a wide dirt road to my left and another building where the Boss and others were milling about.  I saw the Boss holding something up out of my peripheral vision and saw that a golf ball sized orange spot showed up on the building just beside me and a phosphorus burning metal flake type shrapnel showered me.  I was confused and shaken but continued on.  The next thing I know an egg sized hole showed and the concussion and shrapnel were greater.  I was shaken both from the fact that this had again occurred and from the shell itself.  It was not terrible though and then next I see a shell hit the wall and an orange spot about the size of a baseball showed and I remember stumbling around dazed completely and I could hear laughter and some efforts to calm me.  I walked it off for some time.

In the office I had been making friends with a fellow that worked there and knew a lot about jewelry and opals in particular.  I love opals and he knew it.  He had told me stories about jewelry he had created, purchased, owned or sold.  One day he called me over to take a look at a piece that he had brought in.  It was a small oval cut opal with good dark green color and lighter exuberant fire.  I loved the stone and expressed my opinions.  He asked me what I thought it would cost and I stumbled around without a good answer.  He said, “What about 50 cents.”  I of course told him that I couldn’t believe it and I could see that the stone was being offered to me.

I found out later that my presentation of the stone was probably a nice gesture as it seemed but also was an introduction into my next job.  I was told to go to LA and speak with a supplier of stones.  I understood now that the person’s job in the office was gem stones.  I came back from LA and had told some of the results but when the Boss came in I told him the full story as we walked down the dirt road, him walking at some speed and my trying to keep up.  I told him that I had talked to the fellow and that through no fault of my own was forced to shoot him when he had pulled his weapon on me.

I have a brief memory of being in the office to the near front and right of the office lady and being inside of a city sized garbage receptacle and I was laying down with my feet propped on one end and back against the other and beneath me among other items was a foot or so of water.  Not long after that I remember going down the paved road leading to the business heading toward the business and seeing three tanks coming at me.  Two tanks were sharing the road and shoulders and then one behind them.  I then recall my car going over a cliff headed for water.  While I was watching a large object about the size of a city garbage receptacle wrapped in black garbage bags and bungeed to a large balloon float further into the sky.