Friday, July 29, 2011

Work I would not do, my brother, a knife and training to come

My father was telling me that I needed to do some physical work and needed to have it done just right.  This was something that I was to do each day.  He was also telling my brother.  I thought it was bull shit and told my father that I would not do it.  I left and went into my room to lie down.  I heard my brother coming so I got up as I knew that I could not lie down if they were around. I would have to do that and any other pleasurable things only when he and my father were not around as they would be taken away.

I went into the living room and sat down.  My brother came in and sat behind me.  He was speaking to me about doing what they had been telling me that I should do and I told him that I thought it was bull shit.  After a bit of time my brother walked around the couch from where he was sitting behind me and had something in his hand.  As he got close he said, “Do you want some paper,” evidentially saying this to throw me off for a moment while he then sprayed an aerosol in my eyes. He then left to walk down a long hallway.

I was angry, very angry.  I grabbed a long bladed butcher knife and I held it as I walked down a long mall like hall after him.  People were looking at me as I made my way down the hall and I didn’t much care.  As I got closer to the door at the end of the hall I realized that someone would probably arrest me if I stayed inside and I thought the better plan was to walk out the door so that no one would think I was up to anything to harm them.

Just as I stepped out the door I felt a hand lightly placed on my back.  As I took another step there was a person on each side of me.  They started speaking with me telling me how stupid I was walking down the hall the way I did with the knife in clear sight.  They took me back to a living room setting where they spoke more openly to me about how I needed to learn to handle things and not react.  I could see that they were mentors of a kind and that they were teaching me the ropes.  Apparently I was being trained for a wise guy role.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

The Movie Job, The Boss and Over a cliff

I was a twenty something kid brought into a criminal organization.  My job was to help with getting a film completed that was being shot on the premises.  I met with the director, the cinematographer and the actors when I walked into a room where they were setting up for a shot.  The next day I came in and I went to the back and asked to see what they were going to do that day.

I was floundering not knowing how to find this information for myself and in walked the Boss who I assume was the financier, another person to watch over the operation, and the director. They grabbed four photographs that I understood to be their way of using a story board and they were looking at what scenes were going to be shot.  I made my way into position to see pretty well and when crowded out by the Boss I backed off and looked the best I could.  It wasn’t long after that because of a screw up on the shooting schedule that I found myself in a large room with shined linoleum floor.   On the other side of the room were three other people, one the person that was ahead of the daily progress, the Boss and another of his lieutenants.

I was being told how bad it was that we had gotten way behind in shooting schedule and that it could not happen again.  All this time there was a pistol pointed at me and I was scared to death, eyes squinting into the gun.  I was flinching and alternately slumping to my side and sitting straight.  I was more than frightened.  After some time of the grilling and abuse the lieutenant came across the room and slid down on the floor in front of me and had a large pair of pliers that he was menacing towards me trying to get a grip on my fingers.  As he was doing this I remember him saying, “I need to get a piece.”   About this time I heard a gunshot and I flinched and sat in stunned absolute paralysis.  It was a bit of time when I heard the lieutenant saying, “Look, look over there.”  I finally looked and saw that the Boss had shot to death the person that was ahead of the shooting schedule.

It was some time after the "Bosses" meeting.  I was chewing gum and had made a mess on the floor of the front office.  I had walked out the door and I came back shortly after that and the lady in the office who was a thirty something lady told me that I had made a mess and I told her that I was just coming back to clean it up.  I grabbed a rag that was handed to me and some paper towels and I could not clean the mess up. I could spread it out and glob it differently but could not get it up.  I was scared again that I had done something that I should not have done.

I was walking out of the back building one day toward the front of the lot.  There was a building to my right and a wide dirt road to my left and another building where the Boss and others were milling about.  I saw the Boss holding something up out of my peripheral vision and saw that a golf ball sized orange spot showed up on the building just beside me and a phosphorus burning metal flake type shrapnel showered me.  I was confused and shaken but continued on.  The next thing I know an egg sized hole showed and the concussion and shrapnel were greater.  I was shaken both from the fact that this had again occurred and from the shell itself.  It was not terrible though and then next I see a shell hit the wall and an orange spot about the size of a baseball showed and I remember stumbling around dazed completely and I could hear laughter and some efforts to calm me.  I walked it off for some time.

In the office I had been making friends with a fellow that worked there and knew a lot about jewelry and opals in particular.  I love opals and he knew it.  He had told me stories about jewelry he had created, purchased, owned or sold.  One day he called me over to take a look at a piece that he had brought in.  It was a small oval cut opal with good dark green color and lighter exuberant fire.  I loved the stone and expressed my opinions.  He asked me what I thought it would cost and I stumbled around without a good answer.  He said, “What about 50 cents.”  I of course told him that I couldn’t believe it and I could see that the stone was being offered to me.

I found out later that my presentation of the stone was probably a nice gesture as it seemed but also was an introduction into my next job.  I was told to go to LA and speak with a supplier of stones.  I understood now that the person’s job in the office was gem stones.  I came back from LA and had told some of the results but when the Boss came in I told him the full story as we walked down the dirt road, him walking at some speed and my trying to keep up.  I told him that I had talked to the fellow and that through no fault of my own was forced to shoot him when he had pulled his weapon on me.

I have a brief memory of being in the office to the near front and right of the office lady and being inside of a city sized garbage receptacle and I was laying down with my feet propped on one end and back against the other and beneath me among other items was a foot or so of water.  Not long after that I remember going down the paved road leading to the business heading toward the business and seeing three tanks coming at me.  Two tanks were sharing the road and shoulders and then one behind them.  I then recall my car going over a cliff headed for water.  While I was watching a large object about the size of a city garbage receptacle wrapped in black garbage bags and bungeed to a large balloon float further into the sky.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Large family having a Moment

I was younger, probably in my twenties and was not married.  I lived in a house that had an extremely large family and extended family.  The family had a large house and there were probably 25 sisters and brothers and then extended family in the form of husbands and wives and some friends.  Everyone was in this same house and used to the same customs.  At one moment every one of them could be sitting on furniture and the living room floor and all extend their legs in front of them and all in one direction.  Some legs landing intertwined with others.  It was for fun, a moment share.  Another time you could see a dozen or so individuals hanging out together on a group of couches in one part of a larger room.  Another time you might see a fairly large group standing and milling about the kitchen/dining room.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Hugh Laurie, the Idiots and the Road Trip

I was younger than I am now and alone not married.  I went to Eastern Washington.  I had gone over with a group of people but did not have a particular ride home.  I went fishing with Hugh Laurie from the TV show “House”. When I got back the next morning I found out that the group of people that I had gone over with had been partying the night before and really just being idiots and breaking things, getting food on chairs, being obnoxious to the staff and more.

I started finding out slowly as I was asking for a ride home and none of the people that were not the ones causing trouble wanted to give me the time of day and was showing their distaste for me and the others.  They started letting me know here and there the idiotic things that had been done.  I talked to my group of people and tried to get them motivated to cook and eat what little food they had and to clean things up and apologize to the others.  This helped only slightly and I had told a couple of the people I was out for a ride myself that I had not been involved and I would look for a ride on my own.  I told this same thing to the innocent people and management.  I did ask Hugh Laurie for a ride and he was also hesitant as some items of his had been messed with.  I was trying to find time to take a quick shower along the line while working the room the best that I could.

Monday, July 25, 2011

The Cult, Lots of Veggies and Stabbing the God

I was taken to what I found out first hand was a cult gathering.  I was sitting in a large theater with stadium seating watching the speaker.  I remember that the person I was with and thousands of others put produce that they had grown down on a conveyer belt.  As my friend did they put down corn and told me how difficult it was to grow.  I saw through a large glass to my right how a very large conveyer and sorting system was taking all the produce and I found milk products and many other types of food and sorted every bit of it and stacked it.  There were huge amounts that went whooshing by on the various conveyers.  

Later we listed to more of the speaking and I could hear the speaker say to the crowd that afterwards what he would like is that my friend could take me to introductions.  As the time moved on I felt very uncomfortable.  I did not feel right about this and I could see that the speaker/leader was trying to convince everyone that he could do no wrong.  

Later in the day there were a couple of gentleman that sat behind my friend and I and were leaning over the seat watching my every move.  I was told what I was allowed to do.   In my hands I was playing with a stack of cards and I had a small 3 inch or so pocket knife that I had opened.  

I heard the fellow behind me say that they would go for the knife.  I stabbed him in the hand that was reaching nearby and I got up.  I started to move away and I turned around and stabbed the leader that by this time I heard stating that he was some sort of god.  I then took off.  

I went down the isle and out the door and joined a large building of people moving about.  I went to the top of a stairs and I waited.  A man came up and was speaking to the large auditorium from where he stood by me. I heard him explaining that they had gotten me.  I yelled out that I had stabbed their god and how could I have done that if he was a god.  A friend joined me.  Later I was in a room where the staffing and all were deciding what they would do with me and it was my friend and I wafting there and my friend was speaking with them.  I asked them if I could say something.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

The club the shooting and the death

I was working at a large club with many tables.  We had let go of the fun goers at the club and it was now empty so we began cleaning up.  I began by mopping.  I was new and had no real idea how to mop the club as there was litter all over the entire thing.  Instead of sweeping however we were including me, mopping.  I went from row to row mopping between tables and then got to one side3 of the club that had big large fruit sized chunks on the floor. I had mopped for a bit then saw another lady working in from the other side on my row.  We met in the middle and as we did I made a big swing with my mop head to the front of me.  After I did that the lady said never go that direction.  You were going fast with me and I thought you were fast enough to go over there with it.  She pointed at an industrial sink area.

Later at the club a man was on the upper level. There was a wide footway and a rail up above where they looked down at the lower floor.  He shot a pistol at someone below and then went off the top to the lower floor to kill himself.

Later there were many trying to figure out why the man had shot his weapon at the other man. The other man was a powerful man so it was a pressing investigation.  I had also been working for this man, the man of power.  He, I and others of a team of close confidants were in a discussion who or why it might have happened.  After we had discussed things we had decided that it was a man that was at the club.  We set in motion a plan to draw his attention.

Another day at the club I had made a phone call to the man's team.  They came to the club and investigated the car.  They knocked at the window and I talked to them. They asked me questions and were not getting the information they wanted and tried the door.  I knew then that it was them that had done the dirty deed.  They left.  I went into the club and started to pass along the information that I knew it was him and he would be in the club.  I also strapped a pistol to my lower leg.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Decoding Your Dreams: Every Dream Has A Message [Infographic]

I do not take time to learn what my dreams mean.  I also do not know if I believe the hypothesis that every dream has a message.  I do think that some things come true in this manner.  Dreams are very specific to the dreamer.  I happen to know that if I have a dream about working in a sawmill it means that I am living with stress in my everyday life.  This is something I found from many of these types of dreams.  So I think that if one worked on it that it could be beneficial if you chose to delve into these meanings.  Here is a blog post by a friend of mine that I see daily on Twitter.  This infographic compiles many of the generalisms that are believed to be dream meanings.  I think it is a good list.  You may want to save this picture to your computer as this blog post may at some later date be removed.

Here is the link

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Psychic Pain and Trouble on the streets

I was on the Internet ready to respond to a work item that I had before me.  I had just had a weight dropped on me for not doing the right thing on a problem that also concerned my brother.  He asked me by IM why I had done what I had and I must not have responded well enough as I noticed a short time later that I had a large hammer pivot down on me with the heavy weighted end not smashing me but weighting me down.  I was fighting it and wiggling away when it went away supposedly I had taken punishment enough in my brother’s mind.

I then started to answer this problem as I was and I lost my Internet connection and I felt a fairly major shaking.  I leaned up and started to part a large drape and at the same time asking my wife what was going on.  She told me she didn’t know and just like the last time I asked a question she was too busy to check into it.  She was carrying a large street fire hose over our hard wood floors and let a short blast spew out.

I then heard someone saying that there had been trouble on the streets from one address I did not get to another address which was not far from us.  I looked outside and could see small clusters of people slowly moving down the sidewalk on the far side of the street further down the way from our house.  I asked my wife what she was doing and explained to her that we had been given the fire hose for protection in case we had trouble and not to clean things.  About that time she had taken the hose out one side of the house through a hatch door there and was hosing down an upwardly slanted conveyer belt.  I went back through the house and saw two gentlemen standing half way up concrete stairs to our house and our side door was open. I asked them what was happening and they explained to me that our older green car had gotten one tire damaged but that he thought it would be no big deal as we had a million dollars of insurance.

I then grabbed a large four foot tall bottle of Cola that was in a heavy glass shaped bottle and when I started to pull on the small end it broke the long spout off in my hand.  I started losing Cola so tipped it back and started to carry that half up to the house and one of the other gentlemen grabbed the bottom said her let Mark do it and started up with the bottom half.

Monday, July 18, 2011

I shouldn't have said anything

I walked back to a small 4 door car.  My wife was sitting in the back seat.  I opened the door and sat down beside her for a moment telling her that I needed to tell her something.  I then told her that I had just been inside the hotel that we were parked in front of and that I had helped an important man there change rooms.  We had known that others had found out he was in the other room and it was a danger so we had moved him.  As I told her this a fellow walked up to the front door of the car, reached in through the open window took out the keys and then told us both to get out of the car.  We got out and could see he was wearing a head set and that they had been listening to my conversation.  They told me that I should not have said anything.  We stood with this fellow in front of the lobby door while another of his team was a quarter block down the sidewalk.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Super Basketball play with the kid

I was being chased by the law.  I had escaped lock up and had survived for a week or so but it was difficult as I had no ID that I could use or any decent way to support myself other than bargain with whomever I could and scavenge.  I looked for sleeping places in dark corners of dance clubs or stairways.  I was eventually coming down a gravel road and a kid threw a basketball my way.  I grabbed at it and it stayed rolling down the road.  I ran for it and I tossed it back underhand without looking back.  All the way down the road I played ball with the kid.  I would swing up into the woods up the hill from the road, I would climb trees and swing on vines, I would bounce from rock to rock or slide and jump.  I would do anything that was available to me on the hills beside the road all the while accurately throwing the ball as a bounce pass or direct pass to the kid.  We had a huge amount of fun.  At a bus stop at the end of the road I bragged to some guys there trying to explain what I had done and when they did not believe me I told them to ask “dude” pointing toward the younger kid.  He told them what had happened.

Two brothers to the rescue

I was in a house and was being threatened by another individual until two brothers of mine took him outside carrying him on a wooden door with a window at the top and then poured fuel on him and lit him on fire.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Fellowship in the field

My wife and I went to a gathering that was in a large field.  I was asked to go by her and I thought if asked by my wife I owed it to her to go. By the time we had gotten there the field was already speckled with many other participants.  We made our place down a trail and found a place to sit that was down the path quite some ways.  We sat just back from the path on the right hand side. 
It was now dusk and a lady began to speak to us.  She said that we were to feel at ease and that we would possibly find some mind opening experiences and that we would be sharing in great fellowship with those around us. My wife and I lay back on our backs and listened.  There were a couple of people up walking the trails moving slowly around the many of us.  At one point a lady took a long stick and gently nudged my wife and was asked to move back further off the path and away from my side.  It was said that this would allow both of us to learn more. 

As time went by I found myself messing with what was underneath me as it felt like a black pod of some sort and it bothered me.  I wondered even if it was something live or that would hatch something live.  A bit later a young lady came up beside me where my wife had moved from and put her hand up to mine in the air.  She slowly spoke out letters of the alphabet such as, "T   L  R"  She then said a word that seemed to incorporate all the letters as if this was the goal and she had not known the answer or the letters she would say until that moment. 

I remember leaving in the middle of the service and that I was soon lost and had no idea how to get to the car or to any other place

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Retaliation and the big toe

I was in a locked door environment, not a prison or jail but more like a large open mall locked psych ward.  It was pretty free flow but we were not allowed into certain areas of the large open complex of corridors and doors both glass and wooden.  I was forced to break the rules on this day as my brother had taken an item of mine and I was retaliating by taking a TV near his area and stashing it in a closet outside of the area we were supposed to stay in.  I took the TV from near the headboard of his lower of two bunk beds and carried it off.  I made my way through the locks of glass doors that led out into a busy lobby, found a closet and put the TV in the corner.  I noticed that I had a big toenail I needed to deal with.  I yanked on the top of the nail and tore it away from the toe and removed all but a small section at the bottom.  I kept folding it away and back but decided not to remove it.  I saw that the toe underneath where I had ripped the nail off was husky dry and had holes looking similar to a dry sponge.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Bonding with my father

I was upstairs on a couch. My mother was downstairs making dinner.  My father was on the couch with me.  I was sitting next to him as I read.  My father had a long day and was sleepy so he laid his head back on the back of the couch and went to sleep.  I was by this time laying down with my head half way on his lap and half way on his hip with both my arms surrounding his and I too was lightly dozing.

Ear Hatching Butterflies

My kitty was sleeping very close to my head as I was in bed.  I didn't really mind as I loved her dearly.  When she got up however I felt something roll down by my head and it was a pinky-finger tip size of a soft, mostly black pod.  I brushed it away.  Not long after this I felt something in or around my ear and I watched as hundreds of small, blue butterflies took to the air.  I yelled to the person in my room and told them to quickly shut the door so that they would not escape the room.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Slab Puller

I was working my job as "Slab Puller" in a very fast cedar wood sawmill.  This was a particularly fast day and as the minutes and then hours went by I was working harder and harder as the sawyer was feeding it so very fast that I could not keep up nor could the "Gang Saw."  The feed deck normally one layer of slabs and halved logs soon became two layers and most of it slabs.  The minutes went by and now there were three layers of wood on the feed deck.  This multiplication in work continued until I was ducking under a huge mound of wood maybe 6 layers high trying my best to continue to pull slabs off of it. 
I had a great feeling of claustrophobia hit me and I looked to the side and there was 2 feet below me that was a walking deck that if I crawled I could just make it and then drop to the ground below.   This beat back the dreaded fear I had but my job continued to be unbearably difficult.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Pass the gun to a different giver - Quen Shi

Pass the gun to a different giver

This means that someone in the past gave a gun to a person that shot another person. They wanted to change this from happening so they wanted to put the gun in the hands of a different giver so that the weapon would not kill the person.

Quen Shi

I was trying to get a person to pay me $500.00 dollars for giving me bad produce.  I was putting major pressure on him to pay me.  I had been on a city street explaining to him that I would report this to the city officials, that I would take his name and put it on Posters as a killer or a person that poisoned others.  And at that time he knew I had his name because I was wearing a black t-shirt that had his name and address on my upper right shirt side.  He grimaced over this.  I was later in his house and I told him that I had a deal for him.  I confirmed his name by saying it for him Quen Shi and then asked what his wife's name was.  A little surprised he said "Melinda."  About that time a white lady walked into view.  I started to tear up.  I said look you pay me now and I will pay you back $150.00 down the road and that I would help shovel saw dust as I had seen him doing or that I would do most anything to help out.    

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Prison and The Princess falls

I was in Prison was trying to make changes to the violence inside.  There were some visitors that came into the prison to speak with the inmates.  This was a young dark skinned princess and her older brother.  Her brother was her closest guardian.  He was youngish, in his late twenties had long dark hair and noble features.  When the couple visited I happen to speak with the princess about photography after they had shown some spectacular photo montages to us.   The princess was very interested and it was set that I would leave with them a week or so later and we would go on a photography visit to the mountains that were nearby.

On the day that they were to pick me up I was running late as I had also started organizing the inmates that would listen to start changing things, to become a much more civil surrounding.  I had the backing of many but a few were against me totally.  That day I put up for a vote whether I should go on this trip, telling them that if we were making changes it would not hurt for us to have a contact of such stature.  It was voted that I should go although it was clear that some fallout could occur when I got back from a few of the inmates that were dead set against change.  I ran across the princess's brother and apologized for running late and he said it was ok. On the way out the door one of the guards asked me why I was doing it and I said that I believed in change, that I was changing and things in the prison would change. I offered them a guarantee.

I dressed in snowmobile boots, a warm top and bottom and then walked out to meet up with the princess and her brother to then get into a helicopter to fly us to the mountains where I knew of a magnificent array of ice and snow cliffs and caves not too far from civilization.  I could tell by conversation with the Princess as we flew that she was not able to make many trips to anywhere and that she had thrown her weight around to make this happen.  We flew into this valley of ice cliffs as far as we dared and then got out and with our entourage started to walk back in further.

We had come across fantastic sites of rock and snow cliffs. I rubbed the rock as we went by mentioning to the Princess that it was so beautiful.  We walked down into a lower area down a natural ice ladder and walked into a hugely fantastic ice cave fully protected from collapsing and hundreds of tables of golden jewelry clothing and furniture all being taken care of by hundreds of servants.  I know this had to be the Prince and Princesses country mates and that this was the people that she reigned over.

Later we got into a spot where natural thawing from a protected area had created slush and we were maneuvering through the valley dip when the Princess took a fall and hit her head.  It was a severe injury.   Her brother was the one to work on her as he cleared away the area nearby and started examining what he could find.  They had put her in the middle of some protective cardboard items so her brother brushed everything away to see her.  At one point as the Princess sat up and removed her top she looked at me when just ready to expose herself and I backed away and turned my head although her smile told me it was not necessary.

Later the prince picked up one end of the bed they had laid his sister on and where he pushed her upright on some wheels to a phone area nearby.  All along I had taken some photos of everything but was unsure of my settings and not sure they would come out.  I took one earlier of the Princess and I took a couple of the ice and stone.  I did not take any at the time of treating the Princess as it was not appropriate.  Things started turning serious with the Princesses condition and I could hear some grumbling from others that this was why it was a mistake to take the Princess on such dangerous trips.

Later I was waiting on a bench and I was told by another fellow that this could take some time as they had to wait for the flesh to start decay.  At the end of the wait the Prince told another person who was then responsible for me to get me ready and that he wanted them to give me the heroin so that there would be no problems.  I was afraid when I saw the syringe come near me and then enter a vein.  I remember then arriving back in prison and being out of it and having others bully me for what was in my pockets.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Jumping the sawmill chains and receiving a job

I had made my way into a sawmill.  I was not to be in the mill as only employees or escorted person's were allowed.  I had been making my way via large chains feeding materials into and out of the mill and then crossing over at times to other large chains feeding waste material to be made into smaller chips.  I had made the jumps from chain to chain with some agility.  I was used to the way these chains worked so it made it an easy job for me.

I was seen once I made my way into the major working area of the mill and was deftly moving my way away.  However at one point it was obvious that I either had to move away or talk to someone in the mill. I made my way to the person that I knew to be the working foreman.  I pleaded my case for a job and eventually after asking me a lot of questions he offered a job if I were to come back the following day. 

Monday, July 4, 2011

Post Apocalypse World

It was a post apocalypse world.  Our city as well as anything that we knew about was destroyed.  There was no power, and no day to day business.  There were fewer people and split families.  I was one of the survivors and was in a large hotel in our city.  I gathered up the people around me that I could.  I started to scavenge for supplies and put them in a drop zone and I asked others around me to help.  I grabbed food from the kitchen and towels from a linen closet.  I grabbed any medicine.  I grabbed anything that could be eaten from rooms and anything useful I could see.  If you went outside our hotel you could see that everything was lifeless, there was not movement and even the appearance of shabbiness and death.  There was a lot of chaotic activity in the hotel as one group of friends went this way and an older couple that way. I tried to keep our little group together as much as I could.

At one point early into this day before everything went dead I had used a credit card to get cash from a machine.  It should have been 1000 dollars but was only 700.  I had taken the machine and put it into a large industrial sink in the hotel kitchen.  I was running the gears and ice would swirl through and merchandise would be freed up to and fall down the slot.  Bottles of soda and candy and finally my money fell out the bottom end, all of this having been released from an icy nugget slosh that was in the bottom.  I secured the money and carried it in a large envelope in the pocket of my sweats I was wearing and then was fearful that the lump in the pocket would make me a victim of robbery.

Later in that day that there was a fight.  Two of our group had gone down a floor to grab some items and a black gangster and his buddy were after them.  There was a standoff between two policeman and the two sides.  A man in my group finally forced the action and was the victor.

At one point my wife and I were overlooking a lake and the surrounding mountains.  A grand light show was occurring as the mountain sides all around us were changing into paisley patterns of color and light.  One section was brightly patterned purple, the one on our right in a spotted green.  Anyone within our hearing you could hear gasping in appreciation of the show.  We went out in a small boat into the lake nearby and were admiring the show when our boat began to take water and eventually started sinking fast.  There were to other small boats nearby and as we abandoned our boat and loaded ourselves into one of the others with its elderly all male crew we apologized.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Nuclear Pipe Patterns in the Sky

I was watching the top of large metal structure sitting on the ground.  It had a spout similar to a pressure cooker but I knew this was much more important than some meal cooking.  This was serious this was perhaps nuclear.  I waited and watched as the pressure continued to build.  I was frightened.  It blew.  I was astonished as I saw huge black metal pipes dozens of feet around whirl into the sky.  The pipes reached upwards and twisted sideways and made patterns and shapes.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Becoming a Chef and the Serial Killer's Chair

I was trying my hardest to get a job.  I was set to do my best.  I was working at being hired to be a cook.  My task was to peel a vegetable like a cucumber with a thin cut.  There were a few of us trying this and we all thought that the vegetable looked done already so collected up our piece and later presented it to the teacher.  The teacher was consternated as we presented our specimens because on our second look we could see grey to black covering that obviously we should have removed.  We were given a stainless space to work on and I finished my vegetable in good time.

Our next task was to peel the burnt skin from a large man laying on a stainless gurney.  I started the job and as this fellow was alive I was scared.  I started out and did a fairly good job but had to do the other side when he was turned over and I made a few deep cuts that my subject let me know about in the form of a not to nice sounding grunt.  I got through this and I was trying hard to find an angle to win out and get this job and there was a lady that had known me a bit from another time and place that got me my paperwork early and got me in line for the next item.  I was sitting down in a chair that resembled a barber chair waiting for my next task and an older gentleman that worked at the place said in broken English that the chair I was in was where a serial killer had killed many victims and that once there was an alarm because of an ammonia spill and sure enough it had been that the killer had dumped a huge amount of ammonia to disguise the smell of rotting flesh that was being tracked by a few people that had been smelling the smell.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Lock-up Hallway and the headless, pacing chicken

My wife and I were in an environment where we were living with many other people.  All of us were in forced lock=up but without bars.  There was one long hallway and we slept off of it in our beds.  I had placed a small bowl of beans nearby when I went to bed.  I woke up in the middle of the night with a chicken in my face.  I shooed it off and noticed that my bowl of beans had a lump of dirt in it and a tiny little chicken with no head pacing around the bowl.

I got up and went down to dump the bowl. All the way the tiny headless thing was stepping here and there around the plate.  On my way back to bed I caught another fellow that was headed back to his hole in the wall. Literally it was a hole in the wall that led into a den of sorts where he and others slept.  I told him the experience with my bowl of beans and I could hear after he went into his den that he told the others that I was an idiot to blame the chicken.  I thought to myself that I wouldn’t trust that person again.

The bathrooms where we lived were coed.  The halls were very busy in the morning.  I went to the bathroom to pee and I noticed several young women as well as men using the facilities.  I went to the urinal and another lady stepped up just over my shoulder and looked down and said hello and stepped off.  I was also scorned by another lady because I had not let her go first.