Friday, February 25, 2011

Shadiness, the campus, heavy waves and the wait

I went out to a university to see if I could get a better price on an iPad and other things. I was not a student so therefore this was going to mean doing some major conniving. I had a friend or two there so I started working it. I was getting an .edu email address so that I could then pas off as a student and make the purchases. I got an address of a student that had been there before from my friend and then started working it. I was hoping that validation of the address against the database that would stay the student had left would not be a hold up and I would try my best to talk my way around it. I I went to the store and picked out what I needed and went to the desk. The database showed the student had just left but I claimed I was him and eventually I was able to gain my purchase. However I had a super powered go Kart that I remember I was needing parts for that was there a few blocks away and I started working my way around campus trying to score the parts. Eventually I was sent away by security and warned not to come back.

The next day my wife and I went to a local resort area on the ocean with awesome rolling generously high waves. There was what was called a second break out 100 meters where the waves were even higher maybe some 7 feet at crest. There were a lot of side washes and curl backs so the water could be quite dangerous there or body beating at best.

There was a guard station very near the beach as well and they handled security for the area which also included a set of cliffs where diving took place. I was there to get parts and some other things from the installation which had a military PX style shopping area up a hill to a second area for less immediate security needs. My wife was going down to the lower side while I went to the upper level. I got to the main offices grabbed what I needed and put in an order and waited confirmation. I had been here before and was leery that I would not be able to make the purchase under the account that I was using which was not completely on the straight and narrow of things.

I completed a small purchase and although I was not disallowed there was a feeling that I was now being watched closely. I was asked to sit on a comfortable set of small sized couches that were against the walls. There I waited for my wife and she didn't show. I did not bring my mobile phone so after quite some time I asked the personnel to page her. She still did not come.

I overheard the staff telling each other about stories of the water and one man said he got married at the 2nd break. He continued to say that they had seen Tiger sharks nearby which are the most dangerous sharks in the area. About that time a large squad of military looking cadets ushered through the building and out a door on the other side with the Sgt in charge saying, "I see your eyes wandering. Straight ahead."

After they went out the door on the other side the man continued his boast of having gotten marred on the 2nd break and the lady he was speaking with an obviously fit, tall women with what appeared to be Caribbean decent said, "Hey tell my sister." The man went to the glass sided cubicle next in line and stood in the entry way and told his story in full detail. It was really quite something to consider such a unique marriage.

This moment of fun was but a momentary bit of fun in an otherwise aggravating wait. Eventually my wife showed up and said that she had been in an auditorium where there was a presentation of the areas waters. I was not the forgiving husband I was sure I wished I had been when I looked back on this day as I began a serious whine about having had to wait, "all this time."

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Mall hang out, awesome book and pockets of writing pens

I had gone to the mall to hang out. It was a large mall with very wide hallways. I entered into a lounge area where I sat on a sofa and a couple of guys were hitting on me. I was a bit interested but the one guy’s mustache just made it too weird. So I told them I would be back and I left. I wandered down the hall. I finally came back into a large area with tables and sat down at one with a paper that was not a normal paper. This was a great idea that I wish was for real. This paper opened up like a book but was bound in glossy paper and had columns and text similar to a paper and its size was probably 2 feet long and a foot and a half wide. I had placed it on the cafeteria sized table and was reading it. I loved it as it was easier to read with the larger text and the stories were all fun. I flipped over to the front of the paper so that I could see if I could subscribe to it. Its name was USA Fiction however some of the stories I had been reading were nonfiction interest pieces. I could see a couple of guys at a table behind me that were keeping their distance although I knew them and we both looked at each other. Also there was a quite a few tables in the front of me that had over a half dozen guys sitting at them and while I was reading they started making comments and mock singing and so on about Penis and sex. I had several layers of clothing on my upper body. I had a shirt, a sweater and a large army coat with many pockets. The right pocket was bulging out and I finally got sick of it. I went to a trash container nearby and starting emptying out the pocket. I had tissue that I threw away and various other items and then a huge amount of writing pens. I had probably 50 in there. By this time several people had gathered around me and I said hey you want a pen, one person showed me three he had already taken. Another guy grabbed the bag and would not let go. It was a younger kid. I put him up against the wall and put my hand around his neck and said come on man let it go. I did not want to have to do anything. He finally let it go.


I ended up forced into working for a clandestine organization. It was unclear if this was a crime syndicate or an anti-government group. Their goals were not clear. Most of the time I was working to be one with them and I was always scared for my life. I was not sure what my role was, was I undercover, was I pretending, I didn’t know. I went to all the functions; large outings and dinners and I continued playing along. I noticed there was always someone giving me a suspicious look, from the far side of a banquet room to a hallway peak in the large house we stayed. I did nothing but hang out and possibly I supposed overhear something.

We had all gone to a very large commercial complex. It was sprawling mall like complex but with large banquet rooms coming off hallways. It was a multi-level large building with railings overlooking other floors. It appeared as though some major plans were in place and there were dozens of our people throughout. I was pulled aside by one of the suit clad agents and asked to come over and play a game of pool. From a room of tables one was open and I was issued toward that table. I was asked to go over and rack up a game so I went to the racking end of the table and it had the old-fashioned slot on the end to pull the balls out of. When I reached in I did not get balls I got apples. I pulled out a lot of apples, some mushy and some hard and crisp.

While at this large complex a woman, one of three that had come into our house on that day got me off to the side and told me she needed to speak with me. Others were everywhere within our sight and we were having difficulty speaking. She said that she had some very important information and that she wanted me to bend over and she was going to put it where I least wanted to have it put. I told her I had to go to the bathroom I found a place I could go but the doors had two words that I suppose meant men and women but were in some form of language that I had no experience in reading. I chose a door and went inside. The stalls were not standard American stalls they appeared to have no toilets and they were very large enclosed stalls. There was a huge amount of grit and sand on the floor and I did not know at all what I was to do or what I had gotten into.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Toe Hollow

My big toe was very hurt and others were trying to hit it and make it hurt more. If you can imagine it had the skin on the bottom, the skin on the front of the toe but no nail and everything from where the nail should be to over half way back the toe was missing. So it was a skin surrounded hollow.

To Dance

I was in college and was in a class that went to the gymnasium for this day. When we got there we were told that we were to get out on the center of the floor and dance. I along with many others were milling about quite anxious over this prospect. A man very briefly showed us what to do. I talked to the lady next to me and said that I didn't want to do this. She said that she wanted to learn. The man asked if there was anyone that could teach us further. There was no answer so the lady next to me went to a bench nearby and asked a guy that she had known danced if he would come over and teach us. The lady next to me was someone that I liked a lot and said ok I was in. She and I stepped out into the middle of a circle that had formed and started to dance. We were doing a modified slow dance that was more like a very slow waltz. We danced our way around the floor and went back to our spots as we could hear others telling us that we did a great job.

The guy that was sitting on the bench that came over to help us learn was now out again showing us what he does and was now joined by two of his friends. They each took turns showing their best moves. One of the men counted off 2 and 2. I thought No for what you are doing it is really 1 and 2 and 3 and 4. He was actually doing as we had done which was a slow pace waltz. Another of the men went out and showed us his skills and it was nearly spot on to what an ice skater might use on the ice including a modified sit spin. Now all of his buddies began dancing in the same fashion flashing through the circle.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Snake Dance Nation

I was investigating what was going on inside of a building. I came in from above and down some stairs into a room above a large room. In the room below I could see a very long line of dancing people was outlining each wall of the room. There was a beat of drum and a lady was speaking and urging each and every one of the participants to dance. No matter what else they felt or did just to continue dancing. I could see the room of dancers rhythmically swaying and writhing and the ever present lady urging them on. I dropped down into the concrete room. I was not dancing and I got some odd looks. I danced a bit and tried to match the serpent rhythm of the room. The lady came my way and I took both of her hands in mine. She immediately started turning and twitching. She turned summersaults within my grasp. The appearance of what was happening was akin to a balloon losing its air when suddenly popped. The lady was losing something, coming undone. I thought I better get out of there and I left through the stairs going back upward. I got back to the top and had to walk down a long pathway beside a hill of rock that were all chalk like and yellow. I finally got to a road which I crossed and went into a nearby strip-mall. I was a bit worried because I could see a couple of blocks away a writhing line of dancers

Friday, February 18, 2011

Another Great Dream Quote

Trust dreams, for hidden in them is the gate to eternity. -Kahlil Gibran

Green Bean Security Investigation

I was investigating security on my computer after I thought I had been hacked. My wife approached and wanted to speak to me. I was needing to concentrate to follow through with my investigation but put it off to speak to her. I told her to wait just a moment as I shook my hands over a table nearby stating that I had to make copies of these now. When I looked down I saw that the data I had made copies of looked just like green beans including a little bit of the stem left.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Spider for a Pet

DISCLAIMER:Not sure where this dream came from or what emotion was being released. I do know I was very afraid of spiders for a lot of my life and lately have realized they are another of God's creatures and have their place in the world just as much as as I do. Now they don't bother me as much.

We had a bug for a pet. It was spider looking bug, but I hurt it so it was a little hard to tell. I was sitting in a dining room chair and smashed our bug. I was freaked out by it and flung the bug on to the floor of the kitchen. The kitchen floor was linoleum and I thought the bug had landed on the wrong side so I kicked at it to turn it over. The bug started to waddle away looking longer than it should and for every step it was leaving a black stain.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The Party

The party was at my house. We had a lot of people over. There were Israeli’s, Arabs, a younger group made up of one girl of Asian descent and two white men of unknown decent. My brother and my wife were there. There was also a group of folks staying the night and one older man that had a small bed out that during the party a large friendly dog was hanging out on. I later had a friendly fight with this dog and when the man came back to get some things from under his bed I had to apologize to him for being on the bed. People were milling around and one lady left and brought back an SUV with food in the back, she was of Israeli decent and so of course I had to say something to our Arab friends that a lot of the good food came by way of the Israeli woman. My brother was being his usual strange and obnoxious self using a toy gun made specifically to use different types of bugs for ammunition. He had shot a few of one type of bug into our lobby into the house and was now sitting in a smallish room with a TV and several of us sitting there. He had set up to shoot a two-sided white strange looking bug and jettisoned the living ammunition toward the TV and now as looking to let one go toward me and the others. I told him not to be a jerk.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Car in water

I was in the passenger seat of a car being driven by a female driver. We had just veered off of the road and over a cliff a hundred or more feet in the air and were headed directly into a wide body of water. We hit the water wheels first and slowly started to sink. My window was open but I wanted the door open. I knew that I should wait for the car to fill up and the pressure equalize on both sides of the door before it would open so I patiently waited for that to happen. I then got out of the car and started swimming toward the shore. It was night time and the moon was out and it was light enough to see the shore and to see shark fins off a few hundred yards to my side.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

The wrestler's home and the gentle slopes

I was visiting a home of a fellow who was a professional wrestler. We were in a large room at the back of his home. Our large comfortable chairs were facing away from the room looking out floor to ceiling glass windows on three sides. Outside was a beautiful meadow of long wild grass and scattered timber. It was a breezy day and the grass was gently blowing. I leaned over and spoke to the owner of the home who was in the comfortable chair next to me. “This is a very relaxing home,” I said. He then asked me if I would follow him.

We went out a door on that end of the house and headed down the slopes of the mountain that the home was perched at the top of. We were skiing but it seemed that we were coupled together but not uncomfortably. The slopes were a perfect fun glide down the mountain until we reached one section that surprised me as we angled down a narrower steeper path. We reached the bottom of the path and I found that it was a short walk and drop to a sidewalk of a city near a doorway that we then entered. It was the lobby of a large hotel. We headed back through the lobby toward the elevator when my host was greeted by Hulk Hogan and started a conversation. I continued on toward the elevator.

Friday, February 11, 2011

The Talking Jesus Box

The Talking Jesus Box

I had a small camping cooler sized see-through plastic box. I used it for putting things in. I had taken out a two-hand sized oval piece of something to eat that had the markings that looked like Cauliflower or a brain. When I took it out the box said and taking out …, speaking to me about what had been done with the contents. I took a bite and it seemed that it was spoiled so I tossed it aside. About that time the box said, “Jesus is out.” I looked inside the container box at another polished plastic box about the size of a small jewelry box that was part of its contents. This box was segmented into several small compartments and one of the compartments had popped open, evidentily the lid had lost grip. I shut the compartment and the container box spoke again saying, “And Jesus is back.” I took out the jewelry sized box and set it aside and of course the container box spoke, “And Jesus has left.”

Thursday, February 10, 2011

The Warehouse and Radiation Joules

In total count there were about four men and four women including me that were in a large warehouse and at this time were waiting for a man to work on a machine at the far end. We needed to use the machine but the man was fixing whatever was wrong with it. The machine was dangerous so no one but the man was near it. He had tools in his hands working diligently while we watched from a distance. Even at the distance we were away I was not comfortable, the machine frightened me, a lot!

As we watched the man walked a short distance away and laid down his tools. He stood there a moment and all of a sudden he went into contortions first bending over and raising his legs and then just as fast he flipped 45 degrees and arced forward and back. That description does not do justice to what we saw. What we saw was so strange that it provoked laughter and then a pit of your stomach fear. A moment or two later when it could be registered more fully it was pure and absolute terror from the knowledge that this man had taken far too many joules of radiation from the machine he was working on.

Yes as we stood in fear the man went to the machine once again and began to do more work. It was some time later that the man walked away and we were notified that work on the machine had ended and that it was repaired. The group of us waiting near the door made our way back toward the machine.

We spent some time there and then headed to the warehouse doors again while another man who seemed to be a boss headed to the far end of the building and was moving equipment around very near the machine. I could see that I had heavy grease on my hands and once outside the building I went to wash as well as I could.

A women in our group went inside a small restroom and I waited for her. I wanted her to be safe. She came out and was bundled in a parka and I hugged her for a moment. She said that I was silly. I told her she was just so cute dressed in the parka.

Imprisoned,Talking Head, In Bad Grace and Shedding

I was with a group of other people that were living together. We were not actually imprisoned physically but it was known that we were not free to do what we wanted to. I was on a laptop computer playing with some photos and videos and was running off of my own power source. I was sitting at a small table or breakfast bar. A gathering of people came into the room and it was said that some other people were killed. I heard someone say something about how that affected us but did not hear it completely and spoke up for clarification and as I had felt it was general opinion that it meant that “they” could not let us go.

Not long after this conversation a teenage boy asked me if I was able to get any photos that I liked from the last batch that I had gotten and I told him I had gotten five out of it and that I would show them to him if he wanted to come over. He came by the table and I started to show him and another lady that had stepped over. I could not find the pictures so I was fumbling around looking for them. The next that I know the light was turned off in the room.

Next there was a bus of people going to another location which was a ladies home where she used to live. Not everyone went. There were about 8 of us. On the ride the driver was talking to a head. It was a head with the brain showing and was in a box and a small amount of liquid, not enough liquid to cover the head just a small amount. The head was clearly living and the two were having a friendly conversation broken often with laughter. I happened to be carrying a metal rod and I placed it into the box. I thought to myself it was a good thing I didn't hit the head.

Not too far down the road the bus door opened and I was asked to get out which I did. The driver that somehow I felt like it was my father told me to take off. The bus started off and I held on to the door and was going along for the ride. The bus stopped and I explained that I was not trying to be hard or mean but that I just wanted to be told why and the action explained.

The next thing I know we were at the house and different people were rummaging through various parts of the living room. My mother was looking through a stack of mail that was on an ottoman. I started to look at the mail as well and my mother told me to get on along. She walked away toward a breakfast bar and I was asking her why she had said what she said. She told me to move away and that I was shedding.I was very hurt and told her that she was shedding too.I could see on her forehead that she had white splotches of flaking skin. I pointed out to her what I could see and quite forcefully explained to her that she was just a normal person, that she was flaking also and that she needed to get off of her high horse. I could see that I was angering her and she did not like hearing the truth.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Annoyance, Rifles and Super Snow Machines

I was living in a house with a quite a few others. One particular lady among us was on every day irritating the household in the extreme. She was so mouthy and obnoxious that everyone disliked here. On one particular morning a man decided to end it. He had his rifle and meant to kill her. The rest of the house was ready to allow it, that is, except for me. I just could not allow it to happen. This day even the actions of the lady were not without provoking. The man had his rifle pointing in a window to the main room where during the day everyone spent their time. I stood up in front of the man blocking his line of sight to the victim.

I started to speak to the room pointing out to them the lady had not at all been very bad that morning and that those in the room were not without their peace in it by provoking her this day. I told them that the shooting was not going to happen. I was given a lot of respect and I could see that this made the impression I meant it to and the tension was over. Later it was suggested to me that I should become the leader. I hung out with the people for a while including the man that was going to do the shooting.

Later I could see out our window that we had many feet of snow and that there were two young guys in a hot-rodded sno-mobile that was ready to go down a long shoveled path between houses. They started down the path and then through the house next from us and on through the next path and the next house. I could see they were going to get in trouble and soon I saw a normal sized car that was built with a huge engine and the ability to go through the snow. They pulled in front of the sno-mobilers in a dramatic side slide.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Potato House

I was living with my aunt. I was in my twenties. It seemed to be just the two of us. The sides of the house slopped gradually inward on their way to the top to meet the ceiling. This provided the house with an airy naturally lighted room since there were windows from nearly floor to ceiling. The living area was open with an island of natural trees and plants that were hosted in the cutout in the middle of the hardwood floors. My aunt had planted potatoes on the side of the cutout bed on the backside of the room. I had watched her plant them. On this day she squatted down and harvested the large sized Russet potatoes. She dug underneath the large mound and then with her hands turned the mound up and over revealing the many potatoes which she then started to gather up. After gathering them I was told to clean up the mess that had been made on the floors and that made me angry. I did not have a shovel which I needed so I went to look for one in the large sawmill area nearby. I could not find one that wasn't in use.

Strike Game - Spinal Tap

Strike Game

My mother and I were playing a game. We were both sitting on a piano bench and above us on the wall was a white board. It was my turn and I needed to take a long black stick with a striker on the end and strike it efficiently on the white board and then bring the stick end down and light two small balls that were sitting in a tray. The usual way to strike and light was to right-stab the white-board, which was similar to a right-click on computers. I eventually started doing a straight stab at the white-board with some force behind it for my strike and light.

Spinal Tap

I was in a room where two people were getting a spinal tap of the most brutal sorts. They had on white hospital gowns with the back down on. They had a huge hole that was caused in their back and a white viscous fluid was running out on the floor.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Seeking Mike Strange

I was at a college and living in one of a row of dorm buildings. From my room I could see the room of Michael Strange, a guy that I wanted to speak with. There were two of us in my room and I supposed that my friend would also try to find Mike but I thought I would go my way and he could find his way. I left our building and went outside via a door on the side of the building that was closest to the other building I needed to go to. A light snow had begun falling. It was rather pretty but unexpected. I thought I would tell Mike when I saw him. I headed up a cement stairway to the building that I needed to be in. It was a gradual stairway but unusual as the steps were not at all built for a normal walk and were much too close together to do much good. I made it up to the top and walked down a small outside walkway to the door leading into the building. I entered the building and as I started to walk I took off a sweat shirt hood that I had tied on. I had trouble with the strings but eventually worked them free and removed the hood. As I did this I could see the building’s interior was bustling with people but it was also dingy and poorly lighted. I headed toward the room that I could see Michael was in and the area was blocked by a wall. I went to a nearby room that happened to be full of many girls. It was a single room with one door leading away at its back. There were a group of girls sitting around a couple of work type desks. I asked them if they knew Michael Strange and how I could get to the room. They said that they knew him but began just chatting amongst themselves and ignoring my question. I decided the help I needed was not there as stepped away. I could see that this section of the building did not do me any good so I walked back out of the door I had come in and around the end of the building to another steeper flight of iron stairs. I went up the flight and looked once again for Michael’s room. Again I could not see the room I needed to get to so I poked my head into a room nearby. The room was a large room where only cushions had been put out on the floor and there in a circle were a dozen or so people. When I asked my question one of the men that was lying down and propped up on one arm beneath his chin asked me why I needed to see Mike. I answered that I just wanted to talk with him and the man asked yet more questions. It seemed to me that I was not going to find out the information I needed but was distrusted for some reason and was being jacked around. Before I could speak a lady came to my defense and said that there was a relationship between me and Mike. The fellow spoke up and again was being a jerk. I told him and the rest of the people in the room that I would find Mike on my own and thank you anyway. I was hoping that it was said as sarcastically as I had intended it to be. The fellow began to speak up again and I cut him off and said, “Thanks anyway, and have a good day.” It was said in such a way that I was sure that he and the others could see that I had just called him out for being under the influence of his drug of choice. I turned around and again was looking around the active dingy halls for a way to get to Michael’s room. I passed a few girls that were snickering loudly. I was self-conscious that the gray sweat bottoms and the hooded sweat shirt were the focus of the laughter. I looked down the front of the sweat shirt and thought I could see a bright yellow spot. As I continued to look I could see that the spot faded and I realized that it must have been the lighting in the building.

Kernal Psychic

I and a couple of others were sending psychic energy. There was a lady in a white dress that was lying down on her back and she was spitting into the air kernels of corn.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Get Up - Oral Danger

Get Up

A lady with a white flowing dress leaned over me in bed and said in an urgent voice, get up. I woke up immediately and was frightened. I was a bit worried to get up but I did and stayed up a bit and looked around but saw nothing out of the ordinary.

Oral Danger

My brother used a serious sob story to talk me into putting a substance on my mouth that he claimed he needed to test. In short time I felt uncomfortable with what was going on and I could see that if I did not get the substance wet it would stick forever that way. I did keep it lubricated. I then caught my brother giving the line to my father. I stopped it and told my father not to do it and why.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Alien infiltration

Aliens were infiltrating the human race. When they changed they would look exactly like any human. I could see this going on and I was running from them. I was at an industrial complex and was climbing away from the ones that had already changed. I was about 20 feet above the ground and was climbing from sprocket to chain-guard to anything else that was a foot or hand hold. I could see I was about to get to a place where I had no other holds and was contemplating having to jump to the ground. Later I was lying down on a long piece of shiny metal covering a large collection of equipment. I could hear loud noise heading my way that ended up being a large crowd of humans running away from the others. They ran by me and into a tunnel of equipment.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Contra Band

My wife and I were watching a DVD at another person’s home. The DVD was about a young girl who was a musician. On the screen the girl went to a large festival to play. I knew about these types of festivals and I started to explain to my wife what I knew about them. I explained that, “You find the band that is from your own country and then listen to that band.” I went on to explain that, “everyone there played Contra music and so you would always listen to that type of music but if you went to your own country you could listen to your country play Contra.” About the time I finished explaining, on the screen the young girl unfurled the flag of her country, the USA, on the stage where she would join to play.

Drilling for freedom

I was captured and told what to do along with four others. The man that captured us made us go places and do the things he wanted and if we didn’t he would kill us. We had some autonomy when we were out but I was always extremely fearful if I did not do what he wanted I would indeed be killed.

One of the things we were to do was in a large mall like shopping center. I decided to make a break this day. I gathered my nerve and moved behind some curtains in a section of the store that sold window treatments. I waited for some time and one of the other three people, a middle-aged lady, which had been my fellow captive, looked in at me. I remember drilling her with a long six inch auger bit chucked in a heavy-duty drill. I remember drilling hole after hole in her and the others. I remember four holes going in one of them, all in the chest where I could reach.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Employment and Air Ships

I was with my parents and was checking out what my father thought could be a good source of employment. We needed to drive to a particular place where a large flat airship was to land on top of the car. We took my car. The airship came down with two legs but instead of being side-by-side like on a helicopter they were on each end. They landed on top of the car but the front leg was not on the car well and started to slip off, I was shoving with my hand as it caught the left side of the windshield and the left driver window. Finally I shoved the part that caught away but it left my car very damaged. I was angry that we had taken my car. The company offered to pay for my car to be fixed but I was completely upset because I figured that it had thrown my car out of balance and could not be fixed.

Kawana Beer

In a dream I was drinking Kawana beer and it was the best I had ever drank before and I knew I would be drinking much more. I looked up Kawana the next day and I found this entry.,_Queensland

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The Odd Foot

I was walking across a city street and a young man was doing his best to annoy me as I crossed. When we got to the other side I grabbed a hold of the kid and rammed him down on the top of the grill of a car. I walked off and the next thing I know the kid has an Asian woman cowering in the corner of a cement building. He then backs away a few feet from the woman and takes off his shoe which shows that his foot is split down the middle and he has a foot left that has two or three toes and is only about 2 inches wide.